Bug 157392 - Cannot input full-width commas and periods
Summary: Cannot input full-width commas and periods
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Writer (show other bugs)
(earliest affected)
Hardware: x86-64 (AMD64) Linux (All)
: medium normal
Assignee: Not Assigned
Depends on:
Reported: 2023-09-23 10:55 UTC by stevewang47
Modified: 2024-01-10 11:57 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description stevewang47 2023-09-23 10:55:51 UTC
Sometimes, LibreOffice Writer regards full-width commas and periods as something else and saves the file when the user tries to input full-width commas or periods.

I don't know what exactly causes it but it often occurs (not always) after writing a long passage in Chinese and saving it.

Steps to Reproduce:
I don't know what exactly causes it but it often occurs (not always) after writing a long passage in Chinese and saving it.
After saving, try to input "," or "。" with an input method.

Actual Results:
LibreOffice saves the file.

Expected Results:
"," or "。" is inputted.

Reproducible: Couldn't Reproduce

User Profile Reset: Yes

Additional Info:
It happens in:

Version: (X86_64) / LibreOffice Community
Build ID: 50(Build:2)
CPU threads: 8; OS: Linux 6.5; UI render: default; VCL: gtk3
Locale: zh-CN (zh_CN.UTF-8); UI: zh-CN
Debian package version: 4:7.5.6-1
Calc: threaded

, however, I experienced it in other versions.
Comment 1 Dieter 2023-10-10 16:05:52 UTC
Thank you for reporting the bug. Could you perhaps provide a test document with "a ong passage in Chinese"? Can you specify the "input method"?
Comment 2 stevewang47 2023-11-19 01:04:22 UTC
I can't provide the document because it happens randomly while typing these passages and it won't happen after closing LibreOffice and opening the document again.

I've used both FCITX4 and FCITX5 and both ran into this issue (not always) and I never used any other input method.

It seems that LibreOffice performs the last action that can be performed with the menu bar.

The last time this issue occurred, the last action was "Find", so the "Find" window popped out instead.
(In reply to Dieter from comment #1)
> Thank you for reporting the bug. Could you perhaps provide a test document
> with "a ong passage in Chinese"? Can you specify the "input method"?

(In reply to Dieter from comment #1)
> Thank you for reporting the bug. Could you perhaps provide a test document
> with "a ong passage in Chinese"? Can you specify the "input method"?
Comment 3 Kevin Suo 2024-01-10 11:50:17 UTC
I have the same issue in Fedora 37 workstation. It happens in both Writer and Calc. In Calc, most of the time when this issue haopens, when I tries to type in "," or "。" with the ibus-libpinyin or ibus-Rime inout method, the "paste special" dialog instead. 

This issue has been there for a long time and I am not able to find a reliable steps to reproduce. If someone knows the exact steps to reproduce, I would then debug further.