Bug 138712 - Improve Formula visual tool; object hotkey
Summary: Improve Formula visual tool; object hotkey
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Formula Editor (show other bugs)
(earliest affected)
Hardware: All All
: medium enhancement
Assignee: Not Assigned
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Reported: 2020-12-07 12:13 UTC by Peter Gervai
Modified: 2022-11-27 17:41 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Peter Gervai 2020-12-07 12:13:17 UTC
For details see the mailing list: https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/libreoffice/2020-December/086397.html and https://mathcha.io/

As it turns out there is an "inactive" experimental visual Formula editing tool which could really use some love. 
For a brief test it seems to work mostly fine, which checks out some of my wishes in the referenced mail but my main topic still holds:

(Even) The visual editor now requires plenty of mouse clicking and entering a formula is slow due to the complicated way to select and enter operators and markings. Either requires typing the source (lot of typing) or lot of menu clicking [click on category, search, select, click on operator, click into the placeholder THEN start typing].

I propose a hotkey (configurable with a default usually not found in formulas, like @, \, ` or similar, considering also the most common national keyboard layouts) which would pop up a window, anywhere in the formula.

The window would consist a list of objects (operator, attributes, etc.) with small visual representation and name, a search field automatically in focus and a category selection tab-list.

Typing would search objects through their multiple names (like "paren", "left(", "(" all point to "left(" [as well]...) and ENTER would insert it immediately (so, for example, if fraction is called "over" and it's the top of the search then entering a fraction required 3 keys: <hotkey> o <enter>).
The search could be context sensitive to some extent (change ordering based on context/position).
The search could be sorted by usage frequency of the objects (also change order, probably within categories).
Category selection list would contain the current categories (Unary ops, relations, set operators etc.).

So, when someone experienced types, s/he can use "<hotkey> 1-2 characters <enter>" to select almost any objects (using no mouse at all!); with less experience one opens the window and search for a name, or browse the top searches (using search and cursor, or *optionally* mouse); with even less experience can the user select categories and browse them (with keys or mouse).

Also in mathcha there is a speed trick (LO already uses similar Writer): writing "+-" became ± (same for != and =/ as ≠ etc) which could be undone by using Undo/CTRL-Z. Makes typing way faster (but I see some people would switch this off the same way as in Writer).

I believe if there'd be anyone interested in implementing these the tool could become the best formula tool available (I have tried an extensive list of available stuff on Linux and the best was LyX which is far from the ideal, easy-to-use solution). (And while I am not quote interested it would be useful to be export it in TeX format, I guess many people would consider using it that way.)

I can offer to help in more detailed specification or testing but can't help coding, sorry. 

Steps to Reproduce:

Actual Results:

Expected Results:

Reproducible: Always

User Profile Reset: No

Additional Info:
Comment 1 Buovjaga 2021-11-11 15:25:30 UTC
Dante: what do you think about this proposal?
Comment 2 Peter Gervai 2022-11-27 17:41:25 UTC
I wonder what Dante have thought. ;-)