Bug 45574 (NDW) - EDITING: cell drag-copy to left or up moves original cell content one cell to right or down and breaks new cells references
Summary: EDITING: cell drag-copy to left or up moves original cell content one cell to...
Alias: NDW
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Calc (show other bugs)
(earliest affected)
3.4.5 release
Hardware: Other macOS (All)
: high critical
Assignee: Not Assigned
Whiteboard: BSA
Depends on:
Reported: 2012-02-02 18:58 UTC by ndw
Modified: 2016-08-04 20:37 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Crash report or crash signature:

spreadsheet with two sheets demonstrating the bug (8.39 KB, application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet)
2012-02-02 18:58 UTC, ndw

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Description ndw 2012-02-02 18:58:31 UTC
Created attachment 56560 [details]
spreadsheet with two sheets demonstrating the bug

Problem description: 
a) If a single cell is selected with the mouse and then drag-copied one or more cells to the *left* or *up* the original cell contents are moved one cell to the right or down respectively. 
b) Any reference in the new copy points to the wrong cell, one cell to the left of the correct reference. 
c) After the operation the cell which is selected is the cell to the left of the new copy instead of the copy itself.
The same problem occurs for 

Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a new spreadsheet.
2. Click on a cell somewhere one or more cells away from the left-most column and top row and enter some content, e.g. a formula, text or a number.
3. Select the above cell and drag it while holding down the option key (Mac) to create a copy in a new location to the left (or above) the original location.

Current behavior:
a) The original cell contents are moved one cell to the right (or down) respectively. 
b) Any reference in the new copy points to the wrong cell, one cell to the left of the correct reference. 
c) After the operation the cell which is selected is the cell to the left (or above) of the new copy instead of the copy itself.

Expected behavior:
a) The original cell shall remain unchanged. 
b) Any reference in the new copy shall point shall retain the same relative offset from the copy. 
c) After the operation the cell remains selected shall be the cell the new copy itself.

Platform (if different from the browser): 
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/534.52.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1.2 Safari/534.52.7
Comment 1 m_a_riosv 2012-02-09 17:56:04 UTC
Verify in 3.4.5 and 3.5.

I have suffered this, a coupled of times. Difficult to see the problem, and even more difficult to repair if there are many cells involved.

Change references without notice, it is very dangerous in a spreadsheet.
Comment 2 ndw 2012-02-10 04:49:37 UTC
(In reply to comment #0)
> Problem description: 
> a) If a single cell is selected with the mouse and then drag-copied one or more cells to the *left* or *up* the original cell contents are moved one cell to
> the right or down respectively. 
> b) Any reference in the new copy points to the wrong cell, one cell to the left of the correct reference. 
> c) After the operation the cell which is selected is the cell to the left of the new copy instead of the copy itself.
> The same problem occurs for 

In my original posting I did not make it clear that this error also occurs when copying multiple cells by drag-copy as highlighted by mariosv.
Comment 3 QA Administrators 2014-10-24 03:18:26 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 4 ndw 2014-10-24 03:38:46 UTC
I confirm this bug is still present in LibreOffice 3.4.5 on Mac OS X 10.9.5.
Comment 5 ndw 2014-10-24 09:57:09 UTC
I confirm this bug is still present in LibreOffice on Mac OS X 10.9.5.
Comment 6 Eike Rathke 2014-11-07 17:05:59 UTC
Can anyone reproduce this on any other platform than MacOSX? I can't.
Comment 7 QA Administrators 2015-12-20 16:01:08 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 8 Eike Rathke 2016-08-04 20:37:47 UTC
Given that this apparently happened only on MacOSX 10 with LibreOffice versions up to 4.3 (at least I never heard of any other reports regarding this behavior) and no one found the actual cause, I'm closing this. If it still happens with releases >= 5.1 feel free to reopen.