Back to bug 131065

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opensuse.lietuviu.kalba 2020-03-02 09:55:52 UTC Attachment #158302 Attachment filename After removing 9-40 lines, H9 cell will be REF.xlsx Try remove 9-40 lines, H9 cell will be REF.xlsx
Attachment #158302 Attachment description XLSX document for testing: after removing 9-40 lines, H9 cell will be REF XLSX document for testing: try remove 9-40 lines, H9 cell will be REF
oliver.brinzing 2020-03-02 17:48:40 UTC CC oliver.brinzing
Ever confirmed 0 1
Version release release
Summary After removing few lines in XLSX, some formula became #REF, though formula did not referenced into deleted lines EDITING: removing rows: formula with leading "+", e.g. =+G41*F41 become =+G#REF!*F#REF!
opensuse.lietuviu.kalba 2020-07-05 10:55:35 UTC Blocks 108253
opensuse.lietuviu.kalba 2020-07-05 10:56:19 UTC Blocks 109324
newbie-02 2020-07-05 12:53:55 UTC CC newbie-02

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