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Bug # Dupe
Change in last
7 day(s)
Component Severity Priority Target Milestone Summary
152024 3 3 Writer normal medium --- Diacritics are cut off in the last line of paragraph
139232 3 3 Writer normal medium --- Image to the right of other object does not move freely, sticks to right margin
158989 2 2 Writer normal medium --- FILEOPEN: Incorrect text color in textbox
103036 9 2 Writer enhancement medium --- rework document Language Setting into a dedicated dialog (comment 7, comment 17)
84199 2 2 graphics stack normal medium --- [EMF] FILEOPEN Wrong Bezier curve display due to missing SetPolyfillMode implementation
48416 12 2 LibreOffice enhancement high --- Allow typing while saving; during autosave LibreOffice doesn't accept typing/input
161073 2 1 LibreOffice normal medium --- libreoffice doesn't work with glib 2.80
154602 5 1 LibreOffice major medium --- Scrolling using keyboard very slow (GTK3) with 4K monitor
149527 14 1 Calc critical high --- Calc crashes when scroll up and down quickly within a document, or hold Page Down (Skia/Vulkan)
141187 2 1 Writer normal medium --- LO produces messy HTML in EPUB export
140557 16 1 UI normal high --- NB Tabbed interface not using whole width of the NB to show controls (STR comment 11)
140147 14 1 Writer major high --- Position of cursor not saved correctly (see comment 46 for bibisect)
135207 4 1 Writer enhancement medium --- Scroll speed for text selection by mouse should depend on mouse pointer movements--provide control over the selection speed
134249 2 1 Calc enhancement medium --- Introduce per cell text overflow option (overflow, wrap, clip, shrink)
127610 5 1 LibreOffice normal medium --- NB Tabbed View Not Centered (macOS)
99225 8 1 Writer major high --- Some formula OLE objects lost from Writer file (white frame, no content when editing them)
94404 3 1 Writer normal medium --- Non-breaking spaces will be ignored in cross-reference fields
78144 5 1 Writer enhancement medium --- FILEOPEN: WPS DOC - Incorrect alignment of page number in footer due to wrong position of tab stop (needs w:ptab equivalent)
76007 2 1 Writer enhancement medium --- FORMATTING: Make it possible to insert a Table in a Footnote or Endnote
38261 8 1 Documentation enhancement medium --- Better Find&Replace with regular expressions

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