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Bug # Dupe
Change in last
7 day(s)
Component Severity Priority Target Milestone Summary
161073 4 2 LibreOffice normal medium --- libreoffice doesn't work with glib 2.80
160751 2 0 Writer critical medium --- Copying some text cause hanging of LibreOffice Writer
160565 4 0 UI normal medium --- KDE/Qt UI - Program freezes after "save as"
160430 2 0 Draw normal medium --- Rotated text is partially cut off on Windows with Skia disabled
160342 3 0 graphics stack normal medium --- Unwanted spaces in the printout
160226 2 2 Formula Editor normal medium --- LibreOffice Math: Clicking on visual elements (i.e. fraction) completely destroys your formula structure
160139 4 1 Writer critical high --- Header/footer contents removed and cannot be restored after some paste actions (from shape; as RTF; Zotero refresh...) (steps in comment 2)
160096 2 0 Calc enhancement medium --- Validity list set to not show error message does not allow unlisted values to be entered
160075 3 0 LibreOffice normal medium --- <Alt> key toggle of pointer focus to Main Menu has gone missing, <F10> toggle continues (Win)
160002 2 1 Calc normal medium --- Indentation issue in currency formatted (with left-aligned currency symbol) cells in Calc
159931 2 0 Impress normal high --- Exported pptx cannot be opened in PowerPoint because a referenced part does not exist
159743 5 0 LibreOffice major high --- German UI: Many not plausible Keyboard Shortcut Changes
159690 2 0 Calc major high --- Manual line break forces automatic Wrap Text - comment 17
159541 2 0 UI normal medium --- Dark background color ignores fix font color
159519 4 0 filters and storage major high --- LibreOffice (Windows 7) ODF files saved with passwords can be opened without any password
158989 2 0 Writer normal medium --- FILEOPEN: Incorrect text color in textbox
158735 2 0 Calc normal medium --- Solver options are no longer saved during a spreadsheet load.
158399 2 0 Calc enhancement medium --- Insert multiple columns/rows at once with non-contiguous selection
158112 19 1 LibreOffice minor medium --- Sidebar pane shortcuts conflict with Alt+NumPad input (comment 5, comment 9)
158101 3 0 UI normal medium --- Disabled popup menu items are visible with non-gtk backend

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