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11 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
89876 LibreOff Printing libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Export to PDF does not work properly (with activated automatic hyphenation in Polish) 2015-03-08
89569 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Since LO 4.4.0 export in PDF doesn't respect layout 2015-12-17
89587 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Justified text lost on .pdf export, OSX 2015-02-25
91164 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL PDF: When exporting to PDF before some non-breaking hyphens are inserted spaces 2015-05-09
91589 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL export PDF 2015-05-24
92790 LibreOff Printing libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL PDF EXPORT: Text alignment changes from justified to left sided 2015-07-19
92901 LibreOff Impress libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL PDF export convert Justified formatting to Align Left on OS X 2015-07-24
93026 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Export PDF of justified document results in left align PDF document 2015-07-30
95817 LibreOff Printing libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Paragraphs not justified in PDF export 2015-11-14
91402 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs VERI DUPL Justified text lost on .pdf export, (Mac) OS X 2015-07-30
89051 LibreOff Printing libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL Paragraph justification not working for pdf exports 2015-02-02
11 bugs found.


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