Wed Jun 12 2024 22:20:33 UTC
<caolan> I have to say, my first reaction on seeing "emojis don't export correctly to html" was "good"
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
65138 LibreOff LibreOff libreoffice-bugs NEW --- [META] Sidebar feature related issues Fri 05:09
103428 LibreOff LibreOff libreoffice-bugs NEW --- [META] Properties deck/tab of the sidebar 2024-01-08
113209 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs NEW --- [META] UI bugs and enhancements 2023-10-05
86696 LibreOff LibreOff libreoffice-bugs RESO MOVE LibreOffice 5.0 most annoying bugs 2017-07-23
4 bugs found.


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