Sun Jun 2 2024 13:09:35 UTC
<tml_> what is the collective noun for LibreOffice developers? <caolan> tml_, a sorrow of developers <caolan> hmm, [wikipedia] a "confusion of architects" might fit
Hide Search Description
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
69843 LibreOff Calc libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL One cannot enter a whole column as a range 2013-11-09
92451 LibreOff Calc libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Enhancement: PIVOT TABLES Enable column selection when selecting source 2015-10-05
48571 LibreOff Calc libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL : Allow A:A format to include an entire column and 1:1 format to include an entire row 2015-06-16
85417 LibreOff Calc libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL Full column ranges are not supported: Eg =match("foo",a:a,0) 2015-06-26
4 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Calc" component of the "LibreOffice" product