Tue Jun 11 2024 18:11:54 UTC
tml_: I come home in the morning light / Jenkins says when you gonna get your build right / Oh Jenkins dear I'm not sberg or caolan / And gerrit just wants to have fun / Oh gerrit just wants to have fun
Hide Search Description
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
44669 LibreOff Calc libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Setting "Display Zero Values" and "Value highlighting" without effect for CALC OLE objects VIEWING 2023-05-15
53825 LibreOff Calc libreoffice-bugs NEW --- UI: Value Highlighting with Format Templates 2017-09-17
53826 LibreOff Calc libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Value Highlighting separately activated 2017-09-18
54975 LibreOff Calc libreoffice-bugs NEW --- RFE: Value Highlighting: do not highlight constant expressions as formulas 2017-09-18
47628 LibreOff Calc libreoffice-bugs RESO NOTA VIEWING no background color on protected sheet with enabled 'Value Highlighting' 2021-07-01
60875 LibreOff Calc libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE LOCALHELP incomplete for Menu 'View - Value Highlighting' of protected cells 2017-09-17
116241 LibreOff Calc szymon.klos VERI FIXE Customizing value highlighting colors for colorblind users 2018-06-16
7 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Calc" component of the "LibreOffice" product