Tue Jun 11 2024 03:12:57 UTC
jmadero: I think my cat just farted....dammit I need to exit the room for a minute
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
90486 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs NEW --- [META] Chart bugs and enhancements Fri 12:01
107810 LibreOff LibreOff libreoffice-bugs NEW --- [META] OLE/Embedded object bugs and enhancements 2024-05-17
107923 LibreOff LibreOff libreoffice-bugs NEW --- [META] Zoom issues 2024-06-01
108542 LibreOff Chart libreoffice-bugs NEW --- [META] Chart label bugs and enhancements Fri 11:53
108640 LibreOff LibreOff libreoffice-bugs NEW --- [META] Object meta bugs and enhancements 2024-03-26
117913 LibreOff LibreOff libreoffice-bugs NEW --- [META] Canvas view bugs and enhancements 2023-11-27
6 bugs found.


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