EMF file with a nonIdentity rotation matrix in the WORLDTRANSFORM record
test_libuemf_ref30.emf (image/x-emf), 81.93 KB, created by mathog on 2013-01-29 18:24:35 UTC
Creator: mathog
Created: 2013-01-29 18:24:35 UTC
Size: 81.93 KB
Actions: View
Attachments on bug 55058: 67335 | 67336 | 67337 | 67338 | 67339 | 67340 | 67341 | 73863 | 75058 | 116589 | 135791 | 135792 | 135793 | 135794 | 135795 | 135796 | 148494 | 170877 | 171665 | 171666