LibO debug version, RightZoom running, start Calc, open sample document "aimil sales details.ods" for bug 47275 (1st time), change the autofilter settings, freeze!, Force quit: > Date/Time: 2012-07-24 09:12:27 +0200 OS Version: 10.6.8 (Build 10K549) Architecture: x86_64 Report Version: 7 Command: LOdev Path: /Users/eiselemalina/Applications/LOdev/ Version: (???) Parent: launchd [98] PID: 885 Event: hang Duration: 5.31s (sampling started after 2 seconds) Steps: 13 (100ms sampling interval) Pageins: 2 Pageouts: 0 Process: soffice [885] Path: /Users/eiselemalina/Applications/LOdev/ UID: 501 Thread 26c2 DispatchQueue 100 User stack: 13 start + 41 (in soffice) [0x17a1] 13 _start + 216 (in soffice) [0x187a] 13 main + 29 (in soffice) [0x1f0e] 13 sal_main + 11 (in soffice) [0x1f26] 13 soffice_main + 293 (in libsofficeapp.dylib) [0x12c711] 13 SVMain() + 17 (in libvcllo.dylib) [0x32f77c7] 13 ImplSVMainHook(int*) + 375 (in libvcllo.dylib) [0x36ba459] 13 NSApplicationMain + 574 (in AppKit) [0x97e1d289] 13 -[NSApplication run] + 917 (in AppKit) [0x97e25253] 13 -[VCL_NSApplication sendEvent:] + 64 (in libvcllo.dylib) [0x3718882] 13 AquaSalInstance::handleAppDefinedEvent(NSEvent*) + 219 (in libvcllo.dylib) [0x36bc82b] 13 ImplSVMain() + 87 (in libvcllo.dylib) [0x32f7697] 13 desktop::Desktop::Main() + 8340 (in libsofficeapp.dylib) [0xfd8fa] 13 Application::Execute() + 38 (in libvcllo.dylib) [0x32ebcf8] 13 Application::Yield(bool) + 32 (in libvcllo.dylib) [0x32ebcd0] 13 ImplYield(bool, bool) + 177 (in libvcllo.dylib) [0x32ef653] 13 AquaSalInstance::Yield(bool, bool) + 548 (in libvcllo.dylib) [0x36bd8d0] 13 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 156 (in AppKit) [0x97e62dd6] 13 _DPSNextEvent + 847 (in AppKit) [0x97e63595] 13 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 81 (in HIToolbox) [0x911c8a3e] 13 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 354 (in HIToolbox) [0x911c8bb9] 13 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 392 (in HIToolbox) [0x911c8e04] 13 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 97 (in CoreFoundation) [0x95b461f1] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 452 (in CoreFoundation) [0x95b463c4] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 6523 (in CoreFoundation) [0x95b4843b] 13 mshMIGPerform + 492 (in HIServices) [0x9a470041] 13 _XCopyElementAtPosition + 370 (in HIServices) [0x9a49e6a9] 13 _AXXMIGCopyElementAtPosition + 435 (in HIServices) [0x9a494109] 13 CopyElementAtPosition + 302 (in AppKit) [0x980c9805] 13 -[NSApplication(NSApplicationAccessibility) accessibilityHitTest:] + 265 (in AppKit) [0x980dcdcc] 13 -[AquaA11yWrapper accessibilityHitTest:] + 283 (in libvcllo.dylib) [0x3713a25] 13 -[AquaA11yWrapper accessibilityAttributeValue:] + 319 (in libvcllo.dylib) [0x3711a29] 8 -[AquaA11yWrapper windowAttribute] + 230 (in libvcllo.dylib) [0x3710fc6] 6 +[AquaA11yFactory wrapperForAccessibleContext:] + 85 (in libvcllo.dylib) [0x3706e4d] 3 +[AquaA11yFactory wrapperForAccessibleContext:createIfNotExists:asRadioGroup:] + 175 (in libvcllo.dylib) [0x3707261] 3 CFDictionaryGetValue + 131 (in CoreFoundation) [0x95b242f3] 3 CFBasicHashFindBucket + 252 (in CoreFoundation) [0x95b2442c] 2 ___CFBasicHashFindBucket1 + 537 (in CoreFoundation) [0x95b1c2b9] 2 __CFBasicHashStandardCallback + 353 (in CoreFoundation) [0x95b2f3a1] 2 CFEqual + 106 (in CoreFoundation) [0x95b17d1a] 1 -[NSValue isEqual:] + 48 (in Foundation) [0x9a127d21] 1 NSClassFromObject + 34 (in Foundation) [0x9a10317a] 1 -[NSValue isEqual:] + 102 (in Foundation) [0x9a127d57] 1 -[NSConcreteValue isEqualToValue:] + 142 (in Foundation) [0x9a127dfc] 1 -[NSObject(NSObject) class] + 0 (in CoreFoundation) [0x95b348c0] 1 ___CFBasicHashFindBucket1 + 444 (in CoreFoundation) [0x95b1c25c] 1 -[NSConcreteValue hash] + 0 (in Foundation) [0x9a14afe0] 2 +[AquaA11yFactory wrapperForAccessibleContext:createIfNotExists:asRadioGroup:] + 252 (in libvcllo.dylib) [0x37072ae] 2 com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&) + 58 (in libvcllo.dylib) [0x36b27ce] 2 ScAccessibleFilterMenu::acquire() + 17 (in libsclo.dylib) [0x3090a677] 2 ScAccessibleContextBase::acquire() + 17 (in libsclo.dylib) [0x308d8d4f] 2 cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelper5::acquire() + 17 (in libsclo.dylib) [0x308dad75] 2 cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelperBase::acquire() + 17 (in libuno_cppuhelpergcc3.dylib.3) [0x87ea39] 1 cppu::OWeakAggObject::acquire() + 27 (in libuno_cppuhelpergcc3.dylib.3) [0x8c8acb] 1 com::sun::star::uno::WeakReferenceHelper::operator com::sun::star::uno::Reference() const + 31 (in libuno_cppuhelpergcc3.dylib.3) [0x84291d] 1 com::sun::star::uno::WeakReferenceHelper::get() const + 46 (in libuno_cppuhelpergcc3.dylib.3) [0x8c87e8] 1 osl::Guard::Guard(osl::Mutex&) + 19 (in libuno_cppuhelpergcc3.dylib.3) [0x833dff] 1 cppu::OWeakAggObject::acquire() + 88 (in libuno_cppuhelpergcc3.dylib.3) [0x8c8b08] 1 cppu::OWeakObject::acquire() + 20 (in libuno_cppuhelpergcc3.dylib.3) [0x8c8374] 1 osl_incrementInterlockedCount + 4 (in libuno_sal.dylib.3) [0x146d8] 1 +[AquaA11yFactory wrapperForAccessibleContext:createIfNotExists:asRadioGroup:] + 279 (in libvcllo.dylib) [0x37072c9] 1 +[AquaA11yFactory keyForAccessibleContext:] + 61 (in libvcllo.dylib) [0x3707165] 1 +[NSValue valueWithPointer:] + 54 (in Foundation) [0x9a13f714] 1 +[NSValue valueWithBytes:objCType:] + 39 (in Foundation) [0x9a11c3f7] 1 _NSNewValue + 503 (in Foundation) [0x9a11c605] 1 dyld_stub_class_getInstanceSize + 0 (in Foundation) [0x9a2d1ede] 2 +[AquaA11yFactory wrapperForAccessibleContext:] + 98 (in libvcllo.dylib) [0x3706e5a] 2 com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference() + 37 (in libvcllo.dylib) [0x360f2fb] 2 ScAccessibleFilterMenu::release() + 17 (in libsclo.dylib) [0x3090a68b] 2 ScAccessibleContextBase::release() + 17 (in libsclo.dylib) [0x308d8d63] 2 cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelper5::release() + 17 (in libsclo.dylib) [0x308dae3d] 2 cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelperBase::release() + 35 (in libuno_cppuhelpergcc3.dylib.3) [0x87ea5f] 2 com::sun::star::uno::WeakReferenceHelper::operator com::sun::star::uno::Reference() const + 31 (in libuno_cppuhelpergcc3.dylib.3) [0x84291d] 1 com::sun::star::uno::WeakReferenceHelper::get() const + 127 (in libuno_cppuhelpergcc3.dylib.3) [0x8c8839] 1 osl::Mutex::release() + 23 (in libuno_cppuhelpergcc3.dylib.3) [0x82712d] 1 com::sun::star::uno::WeakReferenceHelper::get() const + 26 (in libuno_cppuhelpergcc3.dylib.3) [0x8c87d4] 1 com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference() + 26 (in libuno_cppuhelpergcc3.dylib.3) [0x8ca45c] 3 -[AquaA11yWrapper windowAttribute] + 197 (in libvcllo.dylib) [0x3710fa5] 2 VCLXWindow::getAccessibleContext() + 19 (in libtklo.dylib) [0x240d901] 1 SalYieldMutex::acquire() + 1 (in libvcllo.dylib) [0x36bafdf] 1 SolarMutexGuard::SolarMutexGuard() + 37 (in libsfxlo.dylib) [0xc1469d] 1 SalYieldMutex::acquire() + 22 (in libvcllo.dylib) [0x36baff4] 1 osl::Thread::getCurrentIdentifier() + 18 (in libvcllo.dylib) [0x32f7806] 1 osl_getThreadIdentifier + 50 (in libuno_sal.dylib.3) [0x12ca0] 1 lookupThreadId + 72 (in libuno_sal.dylib.3) [0x12a01] 1 VCLXWindow::getAccessibleContext() + 409 (in libtklo.dylib) [0x240da87] 1 SolarMutexGuard::~SolarMutexGuard() + 28 (in libsfxlo.dylib) [0xc146bc] 1 SalYieldMutex::release() + 74 (in libvcllo.dylib) [0x36bb058] 1 vcl::SolarMutexObject::release() + 20 (in libvcllo.dylib) [0x32eb1a2] 1 osl_releaseMutex + 101 (in libuno_sal.dylib.3) [0x7429] 1 pthread_mutex_unlock + 73 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x97b1d7a6] 1 -[AquaA11yWrapper windowAttribute] + 255 (in libvcllo.dylib) [0x3710fdf] 1 com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference() + 37 (in libvcllo.dylib) [0x3304523] 1 VCLXDevice::release() + 1 (in libsvtlo.dylib) [0x1c27955] 1 -[AquaA11yWrapper windowAttribute] + 176 (in libvcllo.dylib) [0x3710f90] 1 com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator->() const + 11 (in libvcllo.dylib) [0x360f795] Kernel stack: 13 lo_allintrs + 302 [0x2a1c2e] 13 interrupt + 192 [0x2ab423] 13 lapic_interrupt + 108 [0x2b32f2] 13 mp_kdp_exit + 868 [0x2b4560] 13 sync_iss_to_iks + 124 [0x2aabf6] Thread 26d1 DispatchQueue 1634545000 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 30 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x97b3d5c6] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 390 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x97b3d781] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 240 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x97b3dcfe] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 163 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x97b3df59] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x97b3e382] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Thread 26d0 User stack: 13 thread_start + 34 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x97b450de] 13 _pthread_start + 345 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x97b45259] 13 rtl_cache_wsupdate_all(void*) + 51 (in libuno_sal.dylib.3) [0x1da47] 13 rtl_cache_wsupdate_wait(unsigned int) + 99 (in libuno_sal.dylib.3) [0x1d881] 13 pthread_cond_timedwait + 47 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x97b8e26c] 13 semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x97b17b5a] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a88f] Thread 26da User stack: 13 thread_start + 34 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x97b450de] 13 _pthread_start + 345 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x97b45259] 13 osl_thread_start_Impl + 268 (in libuno_sal.dylib.3) [0x122a1] 13 threadFunc + 30 (in libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3) [0xb77eca] 13 salhelper::Thread::run() + 39 (in libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3) [0xb77b35] 13 desktop::OfficeIPCThread::execute() + 42 (in libsofficeapp.dylib) [0x127f48] 13 osl::Pipe::accept(osl::StreamPipe&) + 20 (in libsofficeapp.dylib) [0x12a178] 13 osl_acceptPipe + 182 (in libuno_sal.dylib.3) [0x8a42] 13 accept$NOCANCEL$UNIX2003 + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x97bdf096] Kernel stack: 13 lo_unix_scall + 280 [0x2a1fd8] 13 unix_syscall + 579 [0x4f7f90] 13 accept_nocancel + 471 [0x4c01b0] 13 msleep + 157 [0x49149d] 13 wakeup + 334 [0x490daa] 13 lck_mtx_sleep + 87 [0x221d42] 13 thread_block + 33 [0x227654] 13 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2275c6] 13 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x227327] 13 machine_switch_context + 659 [0x2a9adb] Binary Images: 0x1000 - 0x1ff7 org.libreoffice.script (???) <5BBEA6E8-8AC7-DF3B-0194-721CFE984371> /Users/eiselemalina/Applications/LOdev/ 0x5000 - 0x73ffb libuno_sal.dylib.3 ??? (???) /Users/eiselemalina/Applications/LOdev/ 0xed000 - 0x16eff3 libsofficeapp.dylib ??? (???) <8B5ED877-40AD-B25D-16CA-B2E4846910E0> /Users/eiselemalina/Applications/LOdev/ 0x825000 - 0x905fef libuno_cppuhelpergcc3.dylib.3 ??? (???) /Users/eiselemalina/Applications/LOdev/ 0xb75000 - 0xb7affb libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3 ??? (???) <4BA9E960-DEED-A7EF-A685-CAA636A947DB> /Users/eiselemalina/Applications/LOdev/ 0xb85000 - 0xfc9feb libsfxlo.dylib ??? (???) <6B4DF5CE-C690-C216-EA2E-B48B1F8DF32C> /Users/eiselemalina/Applications/LOdev/ 0x1945000 - 0x1dabfe3 libsvtlo.dylib ??? (???) <4F7838C0-09D5-6A3D-33DC-3D073FBAFE9B> /Users/eiselemalina/Applications/LOdev/ 0x23b5000 - 0x263effb libtklo.dylib ??? (???) <496A5D40-7262-4A69-3A96-E69550F9067D> /Users/eiselemalina/Applications/LOdev/ 0x32d4000 - 0x387bfef libvcllo.dylib ??? (???) <34E75C55-5F89-D9F4-1C05-3285A73D0D92> /Users/eiselemalina/Applications/LOdev/ 0x30470000 - 0x310e8fef libsclo.dylib ??? (???) /Users/eiselemalina/Applications/LOdev/ 0x91194000 - 0x914b8fef 1.6.5 (???) <21164164-41CE-61DE-C567-32E89755CB34> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox 0x95b0a000 - 0x95c85fe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x97b17000 - 0x97cbeff7 libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <2DCD13E3-1BD1-6F25-119A-3863A3848B90> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x97e1b000 - 0x986feff7 6.6.8 (1038.36) /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit 0x9a101000 - 0x9a372fef 6.6.8 (751.63) <69B3441C-B196-F2AD-07F8-D8DD24E4CD8C> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation 0x9a469000 - 0x9a4bcff7 1.8.3 (???) <1D3C4587-6318-C339-BD0F-1988F246BE2E> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIServices.framework/Versions/A/HIServices Process: Activity Monitor [1036] Path: /Applications/Utilities/Activity Monitor UID: 501 Thread 2890 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in Activity Monitor + 6996) [0x100001b54] 13 NSApplicationMain + 364 (in AppKit) [0x7fff863e53b0] 13 -[NSApplication run] + 395 (in AppKit) [0x7fff863ec68f] 13 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 155 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86426801] 13 _DPSNextEvent + 708 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86426eb2] 13 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 59 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff872e64ac] 13 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 310 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff872e65f3] 13 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 333 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff872e67ee] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 289c DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x10002dff7 10.6 (212) /Applications/Utilities/Activity Monitor 0x7fff863e3000 - 0x7fff86dddff7 6.6.8 (1038.36) <4CFBE04C-8FB3-B0EA-8DDB-7E7D10E9D251> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit 0x7fff872b8000 - 0x7fff875b6fff 1.6.5 (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: activitymonitord [1038] Path: /Applications/Utilities/Activity UID: 0 Process: AirPort Base Station Agent [123] Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/AirPort Base Station Base Station Agent UID: 501 Thread 336 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in AirPort Base Station Agent + 5692) [0x10000163c] 13 NSApplicationMain + 364 (in AppKit) [0x7fff863e53b0] 13 -[NSApplication run] + 395 (in AppKit) [0x7fff863ec68f] 13 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 155 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86426801] 13 _DPSNextEvent + 708 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86426eb2] 13 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 59 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff872e64ac] 13 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 310 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff872e65f3] 13 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 333 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff872e67ee] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 33d DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Thread 358 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895a2932] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x49115a] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100027fff 1.5.5 (155.2) <00010203-0405-0607-0809-0A0B0C0D0E0F> /System/Library/CoreServices/AirPort Base Station Base Station Agent 0x7fff863e3000 - 0x7fff86dddff7 6.6.8 (1038.36) <4CFBE04C-8FB3-B0EA-8DDB-7E7D10E9D251> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit 0x7fff872b8000 - 0x7fff875b6fff 1.6.5 (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: AppleSpell [777] Path: /System/Library/Services/AppleSpell.service/Contents/MacOS/AppleSpell UID: 501 Thread 1c58 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in AppleSpell + 4816) [0x1000012d0] 13 ??? (in AppleSpell + 5472) [0x100001560] 13 -[NSSpellServer run] + 72 (in Foundation) [0x7fff86e5d0de] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72b16] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 1c5b DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x1000a9fe7 1.6.2 (62.2) /System/Library/Services/AppleSpell.service/Contents/MacOS/AppleSpell 0x7fff86dde000 - 0x7fff87060fff 6.6.8 (751.63) /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: autofsd [50] Path: /usr/libexec/autofsd UID: 0 Thread 1ce DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in autofsd + 5340) [0x1000014dc] 13 ??? (in autofsd + 6461) [0x10000193d] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72b16] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 1e0 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100001ff7 autofsd ??? (???) /usr/libexec/autofsd 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: blued [17] Path: /usr/sbin/blued UID: 0 Thread f8 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in blued + 8264) [0x100002048] 13 ??? (in blued + 154586) [0x100025bda] 13 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) run] + 77 (in Foundation) [0x7fff86e29a53] 13 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 270 (in Foundation) [0x7fff86e29b74] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 112 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100048fff blued ??? (???) /usr/sbin/blued 0x7fff86dde000 - 0x7fff87060fff 6.6.8 (751.63) /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: configd [13] Path: /usr/libexec/configd UID: 0 Thread e8 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 start + 52 (in configd) [0x100000d04] 13 main + 2051 (in configd) [0x10000151a] 13 server_loop + 72 (in configd) [0x100001d70] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread e9 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Thread eb User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 plugin_exec + 1440 (in configd) [0x1000034d7] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72b16] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread f3 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 _io_pm_force_active_settings + 2271 (in PowerManagement) [0x1000ac3a1] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72b16] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread fb User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895a2932] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x49115a] Thread 118 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 pppcntl_run_thread + 1595 (in PPPController) [0x1005958f5] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72b16] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 28f3 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578a2a] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4d4581] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100026ff7 configd ??? (???) <754E7289-CEF0-F696-2A99-8F66310FF370> /usr/libexec/configd 0x1000a9000 - 0x1000baff7 160.0.0 (160.0.0) <20F4D79D-1834-14C9-650C-C4B588B9E1B9> /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/PowerManagement.bundle/Contents/MacOS/PowerManagement 0x100583000 - 0x1005acfff 1.5 (1.5) <7A34D8E1-6EE2-AFBE-CC7A-4D91276AF7EA> /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/PPPController.bundle/Contents/MacOS/PPPController 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: coreaudiod [89] Path: /usr/sbin/coreaudiod UID: 202 Thread 280 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in coreaudiod + 5796) [0x1000016a4] 13 ??? (in coreaudiod + 29152) [0x1000071e0] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 281 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Thread 294 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 CAPThread::Entry(CAPThread*) + 125 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff81008755] 13 HALRunLoop::OwnThread(void*) + 152 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff8101b786] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 28fc User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578a2a] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4d4581] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100020ff7 coreaudiod ??? (???) <4EB80719-479B-D842-286B-8EE9B9762353> /usr/sbin/coreaudiod 0x7fff80fea000 - 0x7fff81069fe7 3.2.6 (3.2.6) <79E256EB-43F1-C7AA-6436-124A4FFB02D0> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudio.framework/Versions/A/CoreAudio 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: coreservicesd [20] Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/coreservicesd UID: 0 Thread 125 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in coreservicesd + 3756) [0x100000eac] 13 _CoreServicesServerMain + 522 (in CarbonCore) [0x7fff81520a56] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72b16] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 126 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Thread 215 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 10 fmodWatchConsumer + 347 (in CarbonCore) [0x7fff814d45e8] 10 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89599a6a] 3 fmodWatchConsumer + 254 (in CarbonCore) [0x7fff814d458b] 3 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89599a6a] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a88f] Thread 216 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 read + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89569466] Kernel stack: 13 lo64_unix_scall + 77 [0x2a251d] 13 unix_syscall64 + 617 [0x4f82fb] 13 read_nocancel + 158 [0x49fd75] 13 write + 312 [0x49f5f9] 13 get_pathbuff + 3054 [0x308c1f] 13 tsleep + 105 [0x491395] 13 wakeup + 786 [0x490f6e] 13 thread_block + 33 [0x227654] 13 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2275c6] 13 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x227327] 13 machine_switch_context + 659 [0x2a9adb] Thread 28fe User stack: 8 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 8 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578a2a] Kernel stack: 8 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4d4581] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100000fff coreservicesd ??? (???) <2A6BD0A0-7DA6-ABE6-3D55-E260EA69F56F> /System/Library/CoreServices/coreservicesd 0x7fff81470000 - 0x7fff817a4fef 861.39 (861.39) <1386A24D-DD15-5903-057E-4A224FAF580B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonCore.framework/Versions/A/CarbonCore 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: cron [28] Path: /usr/sbin/cron UID: 0 Thread 1b8 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in cron + 2872) [0x100000b38] 13 ??? (in cron + 3991) [0x100000f97] 13 sleep + 61 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895e69ac] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89599a6a] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a88f] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100006fff cron ??? (???) <3C5DCC7E-B6E8-1318-8E00-AB721270BFD4> /usr/sbin/cron 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: cupsd [893] Path: /usr/sbin/cupsd UID: 0 Thread 2797 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in cupsd + 3304) [0x13fbf8ce8] 13 ??? (in cupsd + 109253) [0x13fc12ac5] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Thread 279a DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Thread 279b User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 ??? (in cupsd + 277569) [0x13fc3bc41] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72b16] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Binary Images: 0x13fbf8000 - 0x13fc53ff7 cupsd ??? (???) <2D52A722-3AC6-6C02-F4FB-6D7E472F7CDD> /usr/sbin/cupsd 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: cvmsComp_x86_64 [1045] Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/cvmsComp_x86_64 UID: 501 Thread 28bb DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in cvmsComp_x86_64 + 2740) [0x100000ab4] 13 llvm::CVMSMemoryManager::getDlsymTable() const + 3295 (in cvmsComp_x86_64) [0x1000035ed] 13 mach_msg_server + 539 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895dba5e] 13 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed86] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100005ff7 cvmsComp_x86_64 ??? (???) <3B0B4DEE-F0DF-5AF3-E194-E5B5A7533EEE> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/cvmsComp_x86_64 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: cvmsServ [79] Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/cvmsServ UID: 0 Thread 260 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in cvmsServ + 4100) [0x100001004] 13 ??? (in cvmsServ + 23081) [0x100005a29] 13 mach_msg_server + 539 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895dba5e] 13 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed86] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 28b9 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 ??? (in cvmsServ + 16132) [0x100003f04] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89599a6a] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a88f] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100008fff cvmsServ ??? (???) <41E2CF71-FA15-9083-56F0-F2E14A7E3886> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/cvmsServ 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: DashboardClient [164] Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/ UID: 501 Thread 656 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in DashboardClient + 4992) [0x100001380] 13 ??? (in DashboardClient + 20081) [0x100004e71] 13 -[NSApplication run] + 395 (in AppKit) [0x7fff863ec68f] 13 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 155 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86426801] 13 _DPSNextEvent + 708 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86426eb2] 13 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 59 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff872e64ac] 13 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 310 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff872e65f3] 13 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 333 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff872e67ee] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 658 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Thread 65f User stack: 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89599a6a] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a88f] Thread 660 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 __NSThread__main__ + 1429 (in Foundation) [0x7fff86def114] 13 +[NSURLConnection(NSURLConnectionReallyInternal) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 297 (in Foundation) [0x7fff86e6e14f] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 671 User stack: 13 JSC::SlotVisitor::drainFromShared(JSC::SlotVisitor::SharedDrainMode) + 493 (in JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff84d6428d] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89599a6a] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a88f] Thread 672 User stack: 13 JSC::SlotVisitor::drainFromShared(JSC::SlotVisitor::SharedDrainMode) + 493 (in JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff84d6428d] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89599a6a] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a88f] Thread 673 User stack: 13 JSC::SlotVisitor::drainFromShared(JSC::SlotVisitor::SharedDrainMode) + 493 (in JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff84d6428d] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89599a6a] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a88f] Thread 674 User stack: 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89599a6a] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a88f] Thread 675 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895a2932] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x49115a] Thread 28c6 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578a2a] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4d4581] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100006fff 1.7 (1.7) <378C5665-AC24-3640-3C0F-2C6CC2CF42EF> /System/Library/CoreServices/ 0x7fff84ae3000 - 0x7fff84e06fe7 6534.57 (6534.57.3) <99973578-D474-3664-1388-61CB47E9D6E9> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/Versions/A/JavaScriptCore 0x7fff863e3000 - 0x7fff86dddff7 6.6.8 (1038.36) <4CFBE04C-8FB3-B0EA-8DDB-7E7D10E9D251> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit 0x7fff86dde000 - 0x7fff87060fff 6.6.8 (751.63) /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation 0x7fff872b8000 - 0x7fff875b6fff 1.6.5 (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: DirectoryService [15] Path: /usr/sbin/DirectoryService UID: 0 Thread f2 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 start + 52 (in DirectoryService) [0x10000d838] 13 main + 3061 (in DirectoryService) [0x10000e435] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72b16] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread fe DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Thread fc DispatchQueue 8 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 239 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792d1] 13 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 15 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8959ad64] 13 syscall + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8959b362] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x49115a] Thread fd DispatchQueue 8 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 239 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792d1] 13 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 15 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8959ad64] 13 ____StartKernelListener_block_invoke_8 + 33 (in DirectoryService) [0x100028f0f] 13 semaphore_wait_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955edb6] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a88f] Thread ff User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 DSLThread::_RunWrapper(void*) + 67 (in DirectoryServiceCore) [0x10017a34b] 13 DSCThread::Run() + 36 (in DirectoryServiceCore) [0x10017a0ac] 13 CPluginRunLoopThread::ThreadMain() + 150 (in DirectoryService) [0x10001cfd0] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72b16] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 28f4 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578a2a] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4d4581] Thread 28f5 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578a2a] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4d4581] Thread 28f6 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578a2a] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4d4581] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100121fef DirectoryService ??? (???) /usr/sbin/DirectoryService 0x100172000 - 0x100183fff 3.6 (621.14) <9E1D8BDD-C986-F669-0803-A2D0F3566FA5> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DirectoryServiceCore.framework/Versions/A/DirectoryServiceCore 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: diskarbitrationd [12] Path: /usr/sbin/diskarbitrationd UID: 0 Thread e7 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in diskarbitrationd + 4064) [0x100000fe0] 13 ??? (in diskarbitrationd + 32876) [0x10000806c] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72b16] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread ec DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x10001bfef diskarbitrationd ??? (???) /usr/sbin/diskarbitrationd 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: distnoted [16] Path: /usr/sbin/distnoted UID: 1 Thread f6 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in distnoted + 3620) [0x100000e24] 13 ??? (in distnoted + 3717) [0x100000e85] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72b16] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread f9 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Thread 28f8 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578a2a] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4d4581] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100000fff distnoted ??? (???) <3B32D984-5A24-D5D9-063E-534930CF02DA> /usr/sbin/distnoted 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: Dock [102] Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/ UID: 501 Thread 2d1 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in Dock + 17196) [0x10000432c] 13 ??? (in Dock + 18292) [0x100004774] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 2d5 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Thread 308 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 ??? (in Dock + 87647) [0x10001565f] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89599a6a] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a88f] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100177ff7 1.7 (769.18) <3DA7DDB3-CF52-8081-18E5-269BA048759D> /System/Library/CoreServices/ 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: dynamic_pager [44] Path: /sbin/dynamic_pager UID: 0 Thread 1c8 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? [0x1000013ec] 13 ??? [0x1000023eb] 13 ??? [0x100001cae] 13 ??? [0x100001a30] 13 ??? [0x10000198f] 13 ??? [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Process: Finder [104] Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/ UID: 501 Thread 2d3 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in Finder + 20828) [0x10000515c] 13 ??? (in Finder + 20889) [0x100005199] 13 NSApplicationMain + 364 (in AppKit) [0x7fff863e53b0] 13 -[NSApplication run] + 395 (in AppKit) [0x7fff863ec68f] 13 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 155 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86426801] 13 _DPSNextEvent + 708 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86426eb2] 13 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 59 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff872e64ac] 13 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 310 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff872e65f3] 13 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 333 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff872e67ee] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 2db DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Thread 2de User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 PrivateMPEntryPoint + 63 (in CarbonCore) [0x7fff814770d1] 13 TSystemNotificationTask::SystemNotificationTaskProc(void*) + 514 (in DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff88da1326] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72b16] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 309 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895a2932] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x49115a] Thread 1bca User stack: 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89599a6a] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a88f] Thread 1bcb User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 __NSThread__main__ + 1429 (in Foundation) [0x7fff86def114] 13 +[NSURLConnection(NSURLConnectionReallyInternal) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 297 (in Foundation) [0x7fff86e6e14f] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 20bb User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 startIOThread(void*) + 139 (in CoreVideo) [0x7fff84462fe3] 13 CVDisplayLink::runIOThread() + 804 (in CoreVideo) [0x7fff84463342] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89599a6a] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a88f] Thread 28ef User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578a2a] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4d4581] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x1003acff7 10.6.8 (10.6.8) <9CFBAFEA-027B-443F-60F4-7ACA103313CC> /System/Library/CoreServices/ 0x7fff81470000 - 0x7fff817a4fef 861.39 (861.39) <1386A24D-DD15-5903-057E-4A224FAF580B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonCore.framework/Versions/A/CarbonCore 0x7fff84461000 - 0x7fff84486ff7 1.6.2 (45.6) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreVideo.framework/Versions/A/CoreVideo 0x7fff863e3000 - 0x7fff86dddff7 6.6.8 (1038.36) <4CFBE04C-8FB3-B0EA-8DDB-7E7D10E9D251> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit 0x7fff86dde000 - 0x7fff87060fff 6.6.8 (751.63) /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation 0x7fff872b8000 - 0x7fff875b6fff 1.6.5 (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff88d9f000 - 0x7fff88e84fef 1.5.11 (1.5.11) <39FAA3D2-6863-B5AB-AED9-92D878EA2438> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DesktopServicesPriv.framework/Versions/A/DesktopServicesPriv 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: firefox [871] Path: /Applications/ UID: 501 Process: fontd [107] Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Support/fontd UID: 501 Thread 2e3 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in fontd + 16156) [0x100003f1c] 13 main_handler + 4128 (in libATSServer.dylib) [0x7fff89ff118b] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72b16] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 2e5 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Thread 28f1 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578a2a] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4d4581] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100003fff fontd ??? (???) <5F3162BD-9C10-DED0-AF74-7B6D358B589D> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Support/fontd 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff89f67000 - 0x7fff8a01cff7 libATSServer.dylib ??? (???) <2D649F4B-E6E1-492E-6FEF-62A7CAAC32A1> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libATSServer.dylib Process: fseventsd [42] Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonCore.framework/Versions/A/Support/fseventsd UID: 0 Thread 1c6 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in fseventsd + 6144) [0x100001800] 13 ??? (in fseventsd + 9348) [0x100002484] 13 mach_msg_server + 539 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895dba5e] 13 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed86] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 1f8 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Thread 1f4 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 ??? (in fseventsd + 39600) [0x100009ab0] 13 ??? (in fseventsd + 38855) [0x1000097c7] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89599a6a] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a88f] Thread 1f5 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 ??? (in fseventsd + 26396) [0x10000671c] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72b16] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 1f6 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 read + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89569466] Kernel stack: 13 lo64_unix_scall + 77 [0x2a251d] 13 unix_syscall64 + 617 [0x4f82fb] 13 read_nocancel + 158 [0x49fd75] 13 write + 312 [0x49f5f9] 13 get_pathbuff + 3054 [0x308c1f] 13 tsleep + 105 [0x491395] 13 wakeup + 786 [0x490f6e] 13 thread_block + 33 [0x227654] 13 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2275c6] 13 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x227327] 13 machine_switch_context + 659 [0x2a9adb] Thread 1f7 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 ??? (in fseventsd + 29333) [0x100007295] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89599a6a] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a88f] Thread 2df User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 ??? (in fseventsd + 29333) [0x100007295] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89599a6a] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a88f] Thread 2ed User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 ??? (in fseventsd + 29333) [0x100007295] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89599a6a] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a88f] Thread 2f3 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 ??? (in fseventsd + 29333) [0x100007295] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89599a6a] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a88f] Thread 2f6 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 ??? (in fseventsd + 29333) [0x100007295] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89599a6a] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a88f] Thread 2fb User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 ??? (in fseventsd + 29333) [0x100007295] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89599a6a] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a88f] Thread 383 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 ??? (in fseventsd + 29333) [0x100007295] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89599a6a] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a88f] Thread 26dc User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 ??? (in fseventsd + 29333) [0x100007295] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89599a6a] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a88f] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x10000ffff fseventsd ??? (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonCore.framework/Versions/A/Support/fseventsd 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: hidd [41] Path: /usr/libexec/hidd UID: 0 Thread 1c5 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in hidd + 3756) [0x100000eac] 13 ??? (in hidd + 3822) [0x100000eee] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72b16] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 1fa DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Thread 226 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 __IOHIDSessionStartOnThread + 130 (in IOKit) [0x7fff8952866b] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72b16] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 28c3 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578a2a] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4d4581] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100000fff hidd ??? (???) <4BC42542-B9B1-0F08-41D9-8A3FE5757159> /usr/libexec/hidd 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff894fd000 - 0x7fff8955dfe7 2.0 (???) <4F071EF0-8260-01E9-C641-830E582FA416> /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: imklaunchagent [219] Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/InputMethodKit.framework/Resources/imklaunchagent UID: 501 Thread 13ab DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in imklaunchagent + 5108) [0x1000013f4] 13 ??? (in imklaunchagent + 5828) [0x1000016c4] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72b16] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 13ac DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100001ff7 imklaunchagent ??? (???) <88E2E45A-786A-ED8A-9628-A4B95481FE07> /System/Library/Frameworks/InputMethodKit.framework/Resources/imklaunchagent 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: KernelEventAgent [39] Path: /usr/sbin/KernelEventAgent UID: 0 Thread 1c3 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 start + 52 (in KernelEventAgent) [0x100001174] 13 main + 1130 (in KernelEventAgent) [0x1000030aa] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72b16] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 1d5 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Thread 1d4 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895a2932] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x49115a] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100006ff7 KernelEventAgent ??? (???) <20952F40-244C-DE8B-B7BA-05B8118647CF> /usr/sbin/KernelEventAgent 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: kextd [10] Path: /usr/libexec/kextd UID: 0 Thread e2 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in kextd + 5616) [0x1000015f0] 13 ??? (in kextd + 9549) [0x10000254d] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72b16] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread e5 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x10001afff kextd ??? (???) <924FCDF1-A9E9-855F-8DEB-32D3D03BA9FB> /usr/libexec/kextd 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: launchd [98] Path: /sbin/launchd UID: 501 Thread 2c6 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 start + 52 (in launchd) [0x10000113c] 13 main + 1841 (in launchd) [0x100007550] 13 launchd_runtime + 450 (in launchd) [0x10000b02a] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 2c7 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895a2932] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x49115a] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100029fff launchd ??? (???) <691A038E-8A23-9BCA-4B63-452572C37B9F> /sbin/launchd 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: launchd [1] Path: /sbin/launchd UID: 0 Thread bd DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 start + 52 (in launchd) [0x10000113c] 13 main + 1841 (in launchd) [0x100007550] 13 launchd_runtime + 450 (in launchd) [0x10000b02a] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread c3 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895a2932] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x49115a] Thread c4 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 update_thread + 22 (in launchd) [0x10000764e] 13 sleep + 61 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895e69ac] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89599a6a] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a88f] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100029fff launchd ??? (???) <691A038E-8A23-9BCA-4B63-452572C37B9F> /sbin/launchd 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: loginwindow [38] Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/ UID: 501 Thread 1c2 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in loginwindow + 18696) [0x100004908] 13 ??? (in loginwindow + 20126) [0x100004e9e] 8 -[NSApplication run] + 395 (in AppKit) [0x7fff863ec68f] 8 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 155 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86426801] 8 _DPSNextEvent + 708 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86426eb2] 8 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 59 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff872e64ac] 8 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 310 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff872e65f3] 8 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 333 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff872e67ee] 8 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 8 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 8 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] 5 -[NSApplication run] + 474 (in AppKit) [0x7fff863ec6de] 5 ??? (in loginwindow + 43795) [0x10000ab13] 5 -[NSApplication sendEvent:] + 4719 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86455afa] 5 -[NSWindow sendEvent:] + 8769 (in AppKit) [0x7fff865210c7] 3 -[NSWindow keyDown:] + 72 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8666605f] 3 -[NSWindow performKeyEquivalent:] + 69 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86584c7c] 3 -[NSView performKeyEquivalent:] + 154 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86584e5b] 3 -[NSView performKeyEquivalent:] + 154 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86584e5b] 3 -[NSControl _performKeyEquivalent:conditionally:] + 142 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86584f93] 3 -[NSButton performKeyEquivalent:] + 345 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8658510d] 2 -[NSButtonCell performClick:] + 483 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8665adf4] 2 -[NSControl sendAction:to:] + 94 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8657be39] 2 -[NSApplication sendAction:to:from:] + 95 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8657beda] 2 -[NSApplication endSheet:returnCode:] + 321 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86669d45] 2 ??? (in loginwindow + 202456) [0x1000316d8] 2 -[NSWindow orderWindow:relativeTo:] + 94 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8641e7d2] 2 -[NSWindow _reallyDoOrderWindow:relativeTo:findKey:forCounter:force:isModal:] + 1581 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8641ee4e] 2 -[NSWindow(NSSheets) _orderOutRelativeToWindow:] + 115 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86669de9] 2 -[NSMoveHelper(NSSheets) _closeSheet:andMoveParent:] + 532 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8666a05a] 1 -[NSMoveHelper _doAnimation] + 1117 (in AppKit) [0x7fff866688a5] 1 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 1 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 1 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] 1 -[NSMoveHelper _doAnimation] + 1197 (in AppKit) [0x7fff866688f5] 1 -[NSMoveHelper _stopAnimation] + 192 (in AppKit) [0x7fff866699a4] 1 -[NSMoveHelper _releaseEffect] + 33 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8666a192] 1 FinishDisposeAnimation + 36 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff87737020] 1 CGSReenableUpdate + 25 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff875fae5c] 1 CGSReenableUpdateForConnections + 359 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff875fafc6] 1 _CGSReenableUpdateForConnections + 186 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff875fb14d] 1 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] 1 -[NSButtonCell performClick:] + 424 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8665adb9] 1 -[NSView displayIfNeeded] + 969 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86456c0e] 1 -[NSView _displayRectIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:] + 2683 (in AppKit) [0x7fff864dd3de] 1 -[NSThemeFrame _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:] + 254 (in AppKit) [0x7fff864e0b2c] 1 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:] + 4555 (in AppKit) [0x7fff864e1ed6] 1 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:] + 4555 (in AppKit) [0x7fff864e1ed6] 1 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:] + 767 (in AppKit) [0x7fff864e100a] 1 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:] + 1325 (in AppKit) [0x7fff864e2938] 1 -[NSView _drawRect:clip:] + 3390 (in AppKit) [0x7fff864e3cc5] 1 -[NSControl drawRect:] + 405 (in AppKit) [0x7fff864eb444] 1 -[NSButtonCell drawWithFrame:inView:] + 497 (in AppKit) [0x7fff864f2e23] 1 CUIRenderer::Draw(CGRect, CGContext*, __CFDictionary const*, __CFDictionary const**) + 3287 (in CoreUI) [0x7fff8029a69b] 1 CUIRenderer::DrawPushButton(CUIDescriptor const*) + 586 (in CoreUI) [0x7fff8028cba2] 1 CGContextDrawImages + 228 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff8762563d] 1 ripc_DrawImages + 7966 (in libRIP.A.dylib) [0x7fff82d03c64] 1 ripc_RenderImage + 323 (in libRIP.A.dylib) [0x7fff82d00e61] 1 ripl_BltImage + 1389 (in libRIP.A.dylib) [0x7fff82d01640] 1 ripd_Mark + 335 (in libRIP.A.dylib) [0x7fff82d061db] 1 argb32_image + 9772 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff8762e47c] 1 CGSBlendABGR8888toRGBA8888 + 973 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff8763977d] 1 sseCGSBlendXXXX8888Transpose + 394 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff8763991a] 2 -[NSTableView keyDown:] + 813 (in AppKit) [0x7fff866423ae] 2 -[NSControl keyDown:] + 137 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86666000] 2 forwardMethod + 104 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86453206] 2 forwardMethod + 104 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86453206] 2 forwardMethod + 104 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86453206] 2 forwardMethod + 104 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86453206] 2 -[NSWindow keyDown:] + 72 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8666605f] 2 -[NSWindow performKeyEquivalent:] + 69 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86584c7c] 2 -[NSView performKeyEquivalent:] + 154 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86584e5b] 2 -[NSView performKeyEquivalent:] + 154 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86584e5b] 2 -[NSControl _performKeyEquivalent:conditionally:] + 142 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86584f93] 2 -[NSButton performKeyEquivalent:] + 345 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8658510d] 2 -[NSButtonCell performClick:] + 483 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8665adf4] 2 -[NSControl sendAction:to:] + 94 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8657be39] 2 -[NSApplication sendAction:to:from:] + 95 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8657beda] 2 ??? (in loginwindow + 202390) [0x100031696] 2 -[NSApplication _commonBeginModalSessionForWindow:relativeToWindow:modalDelegate:didEndSelector:contextInfo:] + 714 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8665fce7] 2 -[NSApplication _orderFrontModalWindow:relativeToWindow:] + 734 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8666027f] 2 -[NSWindow _reallyDoOrderWindow:relativeTo:findKey:forCounter:force:isModal:] + 1291 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8641ed2c] 2 -[NSWindow(NSSheets) _orderFrontRelativeToWindow:] + 200 (in AppKit) [0x7fff866666d8] 2 -[NSMoveHelper(NSSheets) _moveParent:andOpenSheet:] + 1753 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86666de4] 1 -[NSMoveHelper _doAnimation] + 1117 (in AppKit) [0x7fff866688a5] 1 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 1 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 1 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] 1 -[NSMoveHelper _doAnimation] + 1197 (in AppKit) [0x7fff866688f5] 1 -[NSMoveHelper _stopAnimation] + 163 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86669987] 1 CGSReenableUpdate + 25 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff875fae5c] 1 CGSReenableUpdateForConnections + 359 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff875fafc6] 1 _CGSReenableUpdateForConnections + 186 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff875fb14d] 1 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 12 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] 1 lo_allintrs + 302 [0x2a1c2e] 1 interrupt + 192 [0x2ab423] 1 lapic_interrupt + 108 [0x2b32f2] 1 mp_kdp_exit + 868 [0x2b4560] 1 sync_iss_to_iks + 124 [0x2aabf6] Thread 22a DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Thread 28eb User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578a2a] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4d4581] Thread 28ec User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578a2a] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4d4581] Thread 28ed User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578a2a] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4d4581] Thread 28ee User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 __NSThread__main__ + 1429 (in Foundation) [0x7fff86def114] 8 -[NSUIHeartBeat _heartBeatThread:] + 1540 (in AppKit) [0x7fff865723a1] 8 usleep + 57 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89599863] 8 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89599a6a] 4 -[NSUIHeartBeat _heartBeatThread:] + 455 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86571f64] 4 -[NSLock lock] + 175 (in Foundation) [0x7fff86def9ab] 4 semaphore_wait_signal_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955edc2] 1 -[NSUIHeartBeat _heartBeatThread:] + 1438 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8657233b] 1 -[NSSet makeObjectsPerformSelector:] + 205 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c869fd] 1 -[NSWindow flushWindow] + 98 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8651709d] 1 -[NSViewHierarchyLock lockForReadingWithExceptionHandler:] + 334 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8640b4e2] 1 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89599a6a] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a88f] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100077fef 6.1.2 (6.1.2) <7D3F5158-CF01-1884-0885-386E8A844A7E> /System/Library/CoreServices/ 0x7fff8027b000 - 0x7fff802c2ff7 2 (114) /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreUI.framework/Versions/A/CoreUI 0x7fff82cf3000 - 0x7fff82d36ff7 libRIP.A.dylib ??? (???) <5FF3D7FD-84D8-C5FA-D640-90BB82EC651D> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libRIP.A.dylib 0x7fff863e3000 - 0x7fff86dddff7 6.6.8 (1038.36) <4CFBE04C-8FB3-B0EA-8DDB-7E7D10E9D251> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit 0x7fff86dde000 - 0x7fff87060fff 6.6.8 (751.63) /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation 0x7fff872b8000 - 0x7fff875b6fff 1.6.5 (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox 0x7fff875e7000 - 0x7fff87ce3ff7 1.545.0 (???) <58D597B1-EB3B-710E-0B8C-EC114D54E11B> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/CoreGraphics 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: mDNSResponder [37] Path: /usr/sbin/mDNSResponder UID: 65 Thread 1c1 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 start + 52 (in mDNSResponder) [0x100032974] 13 main + 3118 (in mDNSResponder) [0x10000221f] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72b16] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 203 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Thread 209 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100076fff mDNSResponder ??? (???) /usr/sbin/mDNSResponder 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: mds [36] Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Support/mds UID: 0 Thread 1c0 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in mds + 19104) [0x100004aa0] 13 ??? (in mds + 51171) [0x10000c7e3] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 21d DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Thread 28e8 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578a2a] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4d4581] Thread 28ff User stack: 8 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 8 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578a2a] Kernel stack: 8 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4d4581] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x1000cefef mds ??? (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Support/mds 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: mdworker [894] Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker UID: 89 Thread 279e DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in mdworker + 7048) [0x100001b88] 13 ??? (in mdworker + 36609) [0x100008f01] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72b16] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 279f DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Thread 27a2 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 ??? (in mdworker + 44323) [0x10000ad23] 13 ??? (in mdworker + 45214) [0x10000b09e] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x10003cfff mdworker ??? (???) <6BD20D85-ACF7-F37D-BC54-B8DF58BEF89C> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: mdworker [884] Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker UID: 501 Thread 265f DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in mdworker + 7048) [0x100001b88] 13 ??? (in mdworker + 36609) [0x100008f01] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72b16] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 2662 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Thread 2665 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 ??? (in mdworker + 44323) [0x10000ad23] 13 ??? (in mdworker + 45214) [0x10000b09e] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x10003cfff mdworker ??? (???) <6BD20D85-ACF7-F37D-BC54-B8DF58BEF89C> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: notifyd [11] Path: /usr/sbin/notifyd UID: 0 Thread e3 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? [0x100000cec] 13 ??? [0x100002200] 13 ??? [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Thread e4 User stack: 13 ??? [0x7fff89597e89] 13 ??? [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 ??? [0x100002417] 13 ??? [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Process: ntpd [27] Path: /usr/sbin/ntpd UID: 0 Thread 1b7 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in ntpd + 6356) [0x1000018d4] 13 ??? (in ntpd + 36998) [0x100009086] 13 __sigsuspend + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895bf196] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x49115a] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100056fef ntpd ??? (???) <3BCDB850-F8F7-CF24-9E18-61AAE7668E14> /usr/sbin/ntpd 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: ocspd [1043] Path: /usr/sbin/ocspd UID: 0 Thread 28b2 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in ocspd + 7496) [0x100001d48] 13 ??? (in ocspd + 17939) [0x100004613] 13 ??? (in ocspd + 97871) [0x100017e4f] 13 ??? (in ocspd + 97157) [0x100017b85] 13 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed86] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x10003cfef ocspd ??? (???) <75E69513-7408-F57E-9774-971A4C4A6C6E> /usr/sbin/ocspd 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: pboard [106] Path: /usr/sbin/pboard UID: 501 Thread 2e2 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in pboard + 5860) [0x1000016e4] 13 ??? (in pboard + 6062) [0x1000017ae] 13 mach_msg_server + 468 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895dba17] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100001fff pboard ??? (???) /usr/sbin/pboard 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: RightZoom [128] Path: /Users/eiselemalina/Applications/ UID: 501 Process: securityd [24] Path: /usr/sbin/securityd UID: 0 Thread 12b DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in securityd + 4212) [0x100001074] 13 ??? (in securityd + 6557) [0x10000199d] 13 ??? (in securityd + 25605) [0x100006405] 13 ??? (in securityd + 26613) [0x1000067f5] 13 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed86] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 264c User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 ??? (in securityd + 31978) [0x100007cea] 13 ??? (in securityd + 32130) [0x100007d82] 13 ??? (in securityd + 26613) [0x1000067f5] 13 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed86] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x1000e6fef securityd ??? (???) <6E5CE366-42B7-4401-5604-69C5D2B3FAA7> /usr/sbin/securityd 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: socketfilterfw [70] Path: /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw UID: 0 Thread 213 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in socketfilterfw + 3048) [0x100000be8] 13 ??? (in socketfilterfw + 26404) [0x100006724] 13 ??? (in socketfilterfw + 16028) [0x100003e9c] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72b16] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 214 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Thread 218 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895a2932] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x49115a] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x10000eff7 socketfilterfw ??? (???) <20331E3E-E966-5038-973C-3C3F0F956283> /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: spindump [1047] Path: /usr/sbin/spindump UID: 0 Thread 28f0 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in spindump + 7156) [0x100001bf4] 13 ??? (in spindump + 9831) [0x100002667] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72b16] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 8 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 8 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] 5 __CFRunLoopRun + 3640 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c74098] 5 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 37 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895acf1c] 5 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain_till_empty + 9 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8957a17f] 5 _dispatch_queue_drain + 251 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895798d2] 5 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 15 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8959ad64] 5 ??? (in spindump + 13494) [0x1000034b6] 5 ??? (in spindump + 14056) [0x1000036e8] 5 AudioObjectGetPropertyDataSize + 143 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff8100d5fb] 5 HALSystem::CheckOutInstance() + 364 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff80feae3a] 5 HALSystem::InitializeDevices() + 9 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff80feef25] 4 HALPlugInManagement::Initialize() + 278 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff80fef04e] 3 HALPlugInManagement::OpenPlugInsInDirectory(__CFString const*, char const*) + 315 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff80fefa57] 3 HALCFPlugIn::HALCFPlugIn(__CFURL const*) + 19 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff80fefc1b] 3 CFPlugInCreate + 25 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88caf829] 3 _CFBundleCreate + 697 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c33d49] 3 CFBundleGetInfoDictionary + 74 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c3b6fa] 3 _CFBundleCopyInfoDictionaryInDirectoryWithVersion + 1371 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c3bc5b] 3 CFURLCreateDataAndPropertiesFromResource + 185 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c42df9] 3 open + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8956943e] 1 HALPlugInManagement::OpenPlugInsInDirectory(__CFString const*, char const*) + 135 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff80fef9a3] 1 readdir_r$INODE64 + 89 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895a5676] 1 __getdirentries64 + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895692ea] 1 HALPlugInManagement::Initialize() + 362 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff80fef0a2] 1 HALPlugInManagement::CreateHALPlugIn(HALCFPlugIn const*) + 1031 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff80ff02f3] 1 HP_HardwarePlugIn_InitializeWithObjectID(AudioHardwarePlugInInterface**, unsigned int) + 66 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff80ff113c] 1 IOA_HWDeviceManager::Initialize() + 208 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff80ff3a08] 1 IOA_HWDeviceManager::IOServiceMatchingHandler(IOA_HWDeviceManager*, unsigned int) + 815 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff80ff3d41] 1 IOA_PlugIn::HWDevicesAdded(std::vector > const&) + 73 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff80ff5c9f] 1 IOA_SingleDeviceManager::CreateDevice(IOA_HWDevice*) + 159 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff80ff5e1d] 1 IOA_SingleDevice::Initialize() + 15 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff80ff6527] 1 IOA_Device::Initialize() + 24 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff80ff6678] 1 HP_Device::Initialize() + 239 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff80ff67a7] 1 IOA_HWDevice::CopyDeviceName() const + 57 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff80ff7795] 1 IOA_HWDevice::GetLocalizedStringFromIOObject(__CFBundle*, unsigned int, __CFString const*) + 57 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff80ff798b] 1 IOA_HWDevice::GetLocalizedString(__CFBundle*, __CFString const*, __CFString const*) + 65 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff80ff7a05] 1 CFBundleCopyLocalizedString + 621 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c7248d] 1 CFBundleCopyResourceURL + 47 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c57acf] 1 _CFBundleGetLanguageSearchList + 170 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c57c7a] 1 _CFBundleAddPreferredLprojNamesInDirectory + 1270 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c58506] 1 _CFBundleTryOnePreferredLprojNameInDirectory + 232 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c639b8] 1 _CFBundleCopyDirectoryContentsAtPath + 1627 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c3560b] 1 readdir$INODE64 + 67 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89569210] 1 __getdirentries64 + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895692ea] Kernel stack: 8 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] 5 lo64_unix_scall + 77 [0x2a251d] 5 unix_syscall64 + 932 [0x4f8436] 5 throttle_lowpri_io + 134 [0x30d17f] 5 IOSleep + 25 [0x535562] 5 delay_for_interval + 49 [0x2199ab] 5 thread_block + 33 [0x227654] 5 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2275c6] 5 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x227327] 5 machine_switch_context + 659 [0x2a9adb] Thread 28f2 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 10 lo64_unix_scall + 77 [0x2a251d] 10 unix_syscall64 + 617 [0x4f82fb] 10 kevent + 95 [0x47a697] 10 kqueue_scan + 1643 [0x47a58f] 10 kqueue_scan + 415 [0x47a0c3] 10 thread_block_parameter + 32 [0x227631] 10 thread_block_reason + 309 [0x2275b0] 10 thread_go + 1961 [0x22698c] 10 thread_setrun + 1360 [0x225bba] 10 machine_idle + 239 [0x2ad11b] 3 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Thread DispatchQueue 17 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 57 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89579734] 13 _dispatch_queue_drain + 261 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895798dc] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 _dispatch_source_invoke + 273 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8957a3f3] 13 ??? (in spindump + 19404) [0x100004bcc] 13 syscall + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8959b362] Kernel stack: 13 lo64_unix_scall + 77 [0x2a251d] 13 unix_syscall64 + 617 [0x4f82fb] 13 stack_snapshot + 92 [0x469bd9] 13 stack_snapshot2 + 163 [0x469ad6] Thread 28fa User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 ??? (in spindump + 12223) [0x100002fbf] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 28f9 User stack: 11 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 11 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578a2a] Kernel stack: 11 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4d4581] Thread 28f7 User stack: 7 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 7 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578a2a] Kernel stack: 7 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4d4581] Thread DispatchQueue 14 User stack: 6 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 6 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 6 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 6 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 57 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89579734] 6 _dispatch_queue_drain + 251 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895798d2] 6 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 15 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8959ad64] 4 ??? (in spindump + 22446) [0x1000057ae] 4 ??? (in spindump + 18012) [0x10000465c] 4 dispatch_barrier_sync_f + 79 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89593fbb] 3 ??? (in spindump + 16460) [0x10000404c] 3 CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey + 37 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c57875] 3 CFBundleGetLocalInfoDictionary + 85 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c57915] 3 CFBundleCopyResourceURL + 47 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c57acf] 3 _CFBundleGetLanguageSearchList + 170 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c57c7a] 3 _CFBundleAddPreferredLprojNamesInDirectory + 1178 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c584aa] 3 _CFBundleGetLanguageSearchList + 170 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c57c7a] 3 _CFBundleAddPreferredLprojNamesInDirectory + 404 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c581a4] 3 _CFBundleCopyUserLanguages + 665 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c58989] 3 CFPreferencesCopyAppValue + 43 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c589eb] 3 __CFXPreferencesGetSearchListForBundleID + 674 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c58d02] 3 -[CFXPreferencesSearchListSource synchronize] + 94 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c61f8e] 3 -[CFXPreferencesPropertyListSource synchronize] + 103 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c62027] 3 stat64 + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89568b52] 1 ??? (in spindump + 16429) [0x10000402d] 1 ??? (in spindump + 17398) [0x1000043f6] 1 _CFBundleCreateWithExecutableURLIfLooksLikeBundle + 187 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88cb61bb] 1 _CFBundleCreateIfLooksLikeBundle + 14 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88cb62ae] 1 _CFBundleCreate + 333 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c33bdd] 1 _CFBundleURLLooksLikeBundleVersion + 65 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c34c81] 1 _CFBundleCopyDirectoryContentsAtPath + 1627 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c3560b] 1 readdir$INODE64 + 67 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89569210] 1 __getdirentries64 + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895692ea] 2 ??? (in spindump + 16460) [0x10000404c] 2 CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey + 37 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c57875] 2 CFBundleGetLocalInfoDictionary + 85 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c57915] 2 CFBundleCopyResourceURL + 47 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c57acf] 2 _CFBundleGetLanguageSearchList + 170 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c57c7a] 2 _CFBundleAddPreferredLprojNamesInDirectory + 1270 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c58506] 2 _CFBundleTryOnePreferredLprojNameInDirectory + 232 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c639b8] 2 _CFBundleCopyDirectoryContentsAtPath + 1627 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c3560b] 2 readdir$INODE64 + 67 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89569210] 2 __getdirentries64 + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895692ea] Kernel stack: 6 lo64_unix_scall + 77 [0x2a251d] 6 unix_syscall64 + 932 [0x4f8436] 6 throttle_lowpri_io + 134 [0x30d17f] 6 IOSleep + 25 [0x535562] 6 delay_for_interval + 49 [0x2199ab] 6 thread_block + 33 [0x227654] 6 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2275c6] 6 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x227327] 6 machine_switch_context + 659 [0x2a9adb] Thread 28f7 DispatchQueue 27 User stack: 2 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 2 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 2 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 2 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 57 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89579734] 2 _dispatch_queue_drain + 251 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895798d2] 2 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 15 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8959ad64] 2 ??? (in spindump + 22446) [0x1000057ae] 2 ??? (in spindump + 18339) [0x1000047a3] 2 _dispatch_barrier_sync_f_slow + 134 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8959af3d] 2 semaphore_wait_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955edb6] Kernel stack: 2 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a88f] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100011ff7 spindump ??? (???) <5CF88233-FFED-4040-D738-810CA6DDEE16> /usr/sbin/spindump 0x7fff80fea000 - 0x7fff81069fe7 3.2.6 (3.2.6) <79E256EB-43F1-C7AA-6436-124A4FFB02D0> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudio.framework/Versions/A/CoreAudio 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: spindump_symbolicator [1048] Path: /usr/libexec/spindump_symbolicator UID: 0 Thread 2900 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 7 ??? (in spindump_symbolicator + 5772) [0x10000168c] 7 ??? (in spindump_symbolicator + 6159) [0x10000180f] 7 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72b16] 7 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 7 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 7 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 7 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 2901 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 7 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 7 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 7 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 7 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 7 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 7 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Thread 2902 User stack: 3 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 3 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 3 cleaner_thread_main(void*) + 36 (in CoreSymbolication) [0x7fff807990d5] 3 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89599a6a] Kernel stack: 3 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a88f] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100001fff spindump_symbolicator ??? (???) /usr/libexec/spindump_symbolicator 0x7fff8078d000 - 0x7fff807fffef 2.0 (23) <9DBEFE60-0268-9B93-620F-B2737100E7F2> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSymbolication.framework/Versions/A/CoreSymbolication 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: syslogd [14] Path: /usr/sbin/syslogd UID: 0 Thread ee DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in syslogd + 2444) [0x10000098c] 13 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895a2932] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x49115a] Thread ef User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 ??? (in syslogd + 45284) [0x10000b0e4] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread f0 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 ??? (in syslogd + 46429) [0x10000b55d] 13 ??? (in syslogd + 36870) [0x100009006] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89599a6a] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a88f] Thread f1 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 ??? (in syslogd + 35937) [0x100008c61] 13 _vprocmgr_log_drain + 80 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8968b9ae] 13 vproc_mig_log_drain + 95 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8968c39f] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100013fff syslogd ??? (???) <294E71C5-F936-2D72-B70F-01399F9DFB3E> /usr/sbin/syslogd 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: SystemUIServer [103] Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/ UID: 501 Thread 2d2 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in SystemUIServer + 73368) [0x100011e98] 13 ??? (in SystemUIServer + 75024) [0x100012510] 13 -[NSApplication run] + 395 (in AppKit) [0x7fff863ec68f] 13 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 155 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86426801] 13 _DPSNextEvent + 708 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86426eb2] 13 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 59 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff872e64ac] 13 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 310 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff872e65f3] 13 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 333 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff872e67ee] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 2d7 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Thread 382 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895a2932] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x49115a] Thread 28a1 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578a2a] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4d4581] Thread 28ea User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578a2a] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4d4581] Thread 28fd User stack: 11 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 11 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578a2a] Kernel stack: 11 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4d4581] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100069fef 1.6 (298.17) <9BA6BE8B-4C49-3A3B-D222-F88D554B7570> /System/Library/CoreServices/ 0x7fff863e3000 - 0x7fff86dddff7 6.6.8 (1038.36) <4CFBE04C-8FB3-B0EA-8DDB-7E7D10E9D251> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit 0x7fff872b8000 - 0x7fff875b6fff 1.6.5 (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: TISwitcher [126] Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/ UID: 501 Thread 342 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in TISwitcher + 6592) [0x1000019c0] 13 NSApplicationMain + 364 (in AppKit) [0x7fff863e53b0] 13 -[NSApplication run] + 395 (in AppKit) [0x7fff863ec68f] 13 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 155 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86426801] 13 _DPSNextEvent + 708 (in AppKit) [0x7fff86426eb2] 13 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 59 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff872e64ac] 13 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 310 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff872e65f3] 13 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 333 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff872e67ee] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 34b DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100003fff 1.0 (1.0) <15CE1323-EC61-DA49-4C14-A4AA76FD82D7> /System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/ 0x7fff863e3000 - 0x7fff86dddff7 6.6.8 (1038.36) <4CFBE04C-8FB3-B0EA-8DDB-7E7D10E9D251> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit 0x7fff872b8000 - 0x7fff875b6fff 1.6.5 (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: usbmuxd [31] Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/Versions/A/Resources/usbmuxd UID: 213 Thread 1bb DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in usbmuxd + 4036) [0x100000fc4] 13 ??? (in usbmuxd + 9281) [0x100002441] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72b16] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 21a DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Thread 21f User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895a2932] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x49115a] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100015ff7 usbmuxd ??? (???) <4BAE9631-63B1-D810-76FE-C72E07BAE7A0> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/Versions/A/Resources/usbmuxd 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: UserEventAgent [116] Path: /usr/libexec/UserEventAgent UID: 501 Thread 32f DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in UserEventAgent + 3740) [0x100000e9c] 13 ??? (in UserEventAgent + 6152) [0x100001808] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72b16] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 343 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Thread 33f User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 __NSThread__main__ + 1429 (in Foundation) [0x7fff86def114] 13 RegisterAppTracker + 13367 (in ACRRDaemon) [0x10006e959] 13 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) run] + 77 (in Foundation) [0x7fff86e29a53] 13 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 270 (in Foundation) [0x7fff86e29b74] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100001fff UserEventAgent ??? (???) /usr/libexec/UserEventAgent 0x10006a000 - 0x100071fff 10.6.7 (258) <365B79C0-20EA-8C33-BA5F-22E9C02913EA> /System/Library/UserEventPlugins/ACRRDaemon.plugin/Contents/MacOS/ACRRDaemon 0x7fff86dde000 - 0x7fff87060fff 6.6.8 (751.63) /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: WindowServer [72] Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Resources/WindowServer UID: 88 Thread 22c DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 start + 52 (in WindowServer) [0x100000f18] 13 main + 9 (in WindowServer) [0x100000f29] 13 CGXGetRootAdminCredentials + 0 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff876a22b6] 13 CGXServerLoop + 139 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff876d7b26] 12 CGXRunOneServicesPass + 672 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff876ce96d] 10 CGXRunOneServerPass + 262 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff876d17fa] 10 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] 2 CGXRunOneServerPass + 208 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff876d17c4] 2 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed86] 1 CGXRunOneServicesPass + 138 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff876ce757] 1 _CGXRunTimerPass + 344 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff876b789c] 1 CGXUpdateDisplay + 7115 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff876beb05] 1 CGLayerComposite + 242 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff876e2f12] 1 CGXGLAccelComposite + 794 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff876e3f6d] 1 _CGXGLCompositeLayers + 1177 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff876e4a8f] 1 _CGXGLCompositeLayer_ + 156 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff876e4bf4] 1 _CGXGLCompositeBackground + 2712 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff878a71a4] 1 glBegin_Exec + 104 (in GLEngine) [0x1226168c8] 1 gleDoDrawDispatchCore + 259 (in GLEngine) [0x1226de8b7] 1 gldUpdateDispatch + 1598 (in AppleIntelHDGraphicsGLDriver) [0x12446575e] 1 glrLoadCurrentTextures + 288 (in AppleIntelHDGraphicsGLDriver) [0x124466310] 1 glrLoadShrSysTexture + 201 (in AppleIntelHDGraphicsGLDriver) [0x1245e6f39] 1 glrSetTextureDataType(GLDSharedRec*, GLDTextureRec*) + 656 (in AppleIntelHDGraphicsGLDriver) [0x1245e8cb0] 1 IOConnectCallMethod + 234 (in IOKit) [0x7fff8950129d] 1 io_connect_method + 490 (in IOKit) [0x7fff89544ad2] 1 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 12 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] 1 lo64_mach_scall + 77 [0x2a256d] 1 thread_setuserstack + 405 [0x295c57] 1 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 614 [0x2170d8] 1 mach_msg_receive_results + 545 [0x216dc2] 1 ipc_kmsg_copyout + 40 [0x20f18c] 1 ipc_kmsg_copyout_header + 1058 [0x20f0fe] Thread 22d DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578aa5] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89578c08] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895792de] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff895797b4] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89577c0a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699] Thread 25f User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 eventThread + 470 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff876b41e2] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72b16] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c72d8f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff88c73902] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread 2f0 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 thread_fun + 34 (in QuartzCore) [0x7fff847632d6] 13 CA::Render::Server::server_thread(void*) + 177 (in QuartzCore) [0x7fff84763396] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8955ed7a] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84] Thread d43 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 layer_blit_work_queue_server + 156 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff8778d5ac] 13 layer_blit_work_queue_thread + 1023 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff8778d46f] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89599a6a] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a88f] Thread d44 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 layer_blit_work_queue_server + 156 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff8778d5ac] 13 layer_blit_work_queue_thread + 714 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff8778d33a] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89599a6a] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a88f] Thread d45 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597e89] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89597fd6] 13 layer_blit_work_queue_server + 156 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff8778d5ac] 13 layer_blit_work_queue_thread + 714 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff8778d33a] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff89599a6a] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a88f] Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100000fff WindowServer ??? (???) <60DE603C-D554-8227-304A-15F21D2400AF> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Resources/WindowServer 0x122600000 - 0x122793fe7 GLEngine ??? (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Resources/GLEngine.bundle/GLEngine 0x124451000 - 0x1254c2ff7 1.6.40 (6.4.0) /System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelHDGraphicsGLDriver.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AppleIntelHDGraphicsGLDriver 0x7fff84710000 - 0x7fff84aadfe7 1.6.3 (227.37) <16DFF6CD-EA58-CE62-A1D7-5F6CE3D066DD> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/Versions/A/QuartzCore 0x7fff875e7000 - 0x7fff87ce3ff7 1.545.0 (???) <58D597B1-EB3B-710E-0B8C-EC114D54E11B> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/CoreGraphics 0x7fff88c27000 - 0x7fff88d9efe7 6.6.6 (550.44) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff894fd000 - 0x7fff8955dfe7 2.0 (???) <4F071EF0-8260-01E9-C641-830E582FA416> /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit 0x7fff8955e000 - 0x7fff8971ffef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Process: kernel_task [0] Path: kernel_task UID: 0 Version: Darwin Kernel Version 10.8.0: Tue Jun 7 16:33:36 PDT 2011; root:xnu-1504.15.3~1/RELEASE_I386 Thread 0 Thread 1 Kernel stack: 11 vm_pageout_continue + 0 [0x277b5d] 2 call_continuation + 28 [0x2a179c] 2 vm_pageout_continue + 55 [0x277b94] 2 vm_pageout_scan + 1211 [0x276b9b] 1 vm_page_free_list + 218 [0x27db4f] 1 vm_page_free_list + 205 [0x27db42] Thread 2 Kernel stack: 13 idle_thread + 0 [0x2280f4] Thread 3 Kernel stack: 13 assert_wait_deadline + 325 [0x22856a] Thread 4 Kernel stack: 13 thread_daemon_init + 214 [0x22e8a7] Thread 5 Kernel stack: 13 thread_stack_enqueue + 90 [0x22eb3a] Thread 6 Kernel stack: 13 thread_call_initialize + 378 [0x230017] Thread 7 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread 9 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread b Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread 16 Kernel stack: 13 call_continuation + 28 [0x2a179c] 13 142.6.0 + 25424 [0x11f6350] 13 IOLockSleep + 39 [0x5362e7] 13 lck_mtx_sleep + 87 [0x221d42] 13 thread_block + 33 [0x227654] 13 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2275c6] 13 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x227327] 13 machine_switch_context + 659 [0x2a9adb] Thread 18 Kernel stack: 13 call_continuation + 28 [0x2a179c] 13 buf_strategy + 1042 [0x2ce848] 13 msleep + 157 [0x49149d] 13 wakeup + 334 [0x490daa] 13 lck_mtx_sleep + 87 [0x221d42] 13 thread_block + 33 [0x227654] 13 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2275c6] 13 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x227327] 13 machine_switch_context + 659 [0x2a9adb] Thread 1c Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread 1e Kernel stack: 10 call_continuation + 28 [0x2a179c] 10 idle_thread + 23 [0x22810b] 10 thread_setrun + 1360 [0x225bba] 10 machine_idle + 239 [0x2ad11b] 3 idle_thread + 0 [0x2280f4] Thread 21 Kernel stack: 13 idle_thread + 0 [0x2280f4] Thread 24 Kernel stack: 11 idle_thread + 0 [0x2280f4] 2 call_continuation + 28 [0x2a179c] 1 vm_pageout_internal_start + 1107 [0x27648f] 1 thread_block_parameter + 32 [0x227631] 1 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2275c6] 1 thread_dispatch + 1347 [0x2270bc] 1 ml_set_interrupts_enabled + 47 [0x2a45e3] 1 idle_thread + 23 [0x22810b] 1 thread_setrun + 1360 [0x225bba] 1 machine_idle + 239 [0x2ad11b] Thread 29 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread 66 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread 6e Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread 72 Kernel stack: 13 thread_call_initialize + 687 [0x23014c] Thread 73 Kernel stack: 13 m_freem + 15843 [0x4b0e0d] Thread 74 Kernel stack: 13 call_continuation + 28 [0x2a179c] 13 audit_worker_init + 956 [0x4690fb] 13 _audit_cv_wait + 50 [0x45a2af] 13 msleep + 157 [0x49149d] 13 wakeup + 334 [0x490daa] 13 lck_mtx_sleep + 87 [0x221d42] 13 thread_block + 33 [0x227654] 13 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2275c6] 13 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x227327] 13 machine_switch_context + 659 [0x2a9adb] Thread 75 Kernel stack: 13 aio_return + 295 [0x46d7e0] Thread 76 Kernel stack: 13 aio_return + 295 [0x46d7e0] Thread 77 Kernel stack: 13 aio_return + 295 [0x46d7e0] Thread 78 Kernel stack: 13 aio_return + 295 [0x46d7e0] Thread 79 Kernel stack: 13 call_continuation + 28 [0x2a179c] 13 dlil_init + 3637 [0x32255c] 13 msleep + 157 [0x49149d] 13 wakeup + 334 [0x490daa] 13 lck_mtx_sleep + 87 [0x221d42] 13 thread_block + 33 [0x227654] 13 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2275c6] 13 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x227327] 13 machine_switch_context + 659 [0x2a9adb] Thread 7a Kernel stack: 13 ifnet_attach + 1572 [0x3236d3] Thread 80 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread 88 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread 89 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread 8d Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread 90 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread a2 Kernel stack: 13 thread_call_initialize + 687 [0x23014c] Thread ae Kernel stack: 13 2.1.14 + 23877 [0x15b2d45] Thread b0 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread b2 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread b3 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread be Kernel stack: 13 call_continuation + 28 [0x2a179c] 13 ux_handler_init + 475 [0x4db361] 13 mach_msg_receive + 168 [0x2171cf] 13 ipc_mqueue_receive + 101 [0x211dd0] 13 thread_block + 33 [0x227654] 13 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2275c6] 13 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x227327] 13 machine_switch_context + 659 [0x2a9adb] Thread bf Kernel stack: 13 vm_pageout_internal_start + 80 [0x27608c] Thread c0 Kernel stack: 13 vm_pageout_internal_start + 1004 [0x276428] Thread c1 Kernel stack: 13 memory_object_recover_named + 18312 [0x270541] Thread ca Kernel stack: 13 thread_call_initialize + 687 [0x23014c] Thread da Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread e0 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread f4 Kernel stack: 13 call_continuation + 28 [0x2a179c] 13 dlil_init + 3637 [0x32255c] 13 msleep + 157 [0x49149d] 13 wakeup + 334 [0x490daa] 13 lck_mtx_sleep + 87 [0x221d42] 13 thread_block + 33 [0x227654] 13 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2275c6] 13 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x227327] 13 machine_switch_context + 659 [0x2a9adb] Thread 14c Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread 14f Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread 154 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread 155 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread 158 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread 159 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread 15f Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread 176 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread 17c Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread 180 Kernel stack: 13 call_continuation + 28 [0x2a179c] 13 142.6.0 + 24353 [0x11f5f21] 13 IOLockSleep + 39 [0x5362e7] 13 lck_mtx_sleep + 87 [0x221d42] 13 thread_block + 33 [0x227654] 13 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2275c6] 13 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x227327] 13 machine_switch_context + 659 [0x2a9adb] Thread 181 Kernel stack: 13 call_continuation + 28 [0x2a179c] 13 142.6.0 + 24353 [0x11f5f21] 13 IOLockSleep + 39 [0x5362e7] 13 lck_mtx_sleep + 87 [0x221d42] 13 thread_block + 33 [0x227654] 13 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2275c6] 13 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x227327] 13 machine_switch_context + 659 [0x2a9adb] Thread 182 Kernel stack: 13 call_continuation + 28 [0x2a179c] 13 142.6.0 + 24353 [0x11f5f21] 13 IOLockSleep + 39 [0x5362e7] 13 lck_mtx_sleep + 87 [0x221d42] 13 thread_block + 33 [0x227654] 13 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2275c6] 13 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x227327] 13 machine_switch_context + 659 [0x2a9adb] Thread 19d Kernel stack: 13 call_continuation + 28 [0x2a179c] 13 dlil_init + 3637 [0x32255c] 13 msleep + 157 [0x49149d] 13 wakeup + 334 [0x490daa] 13 lck_mtx_sleep + 87 [0x221d42] 13 thread_block + 33 [0x227654] 13 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2275c6] 13 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x227327] 13 machine_switch_context + 659 [0x2a9adb] Thread 1a2 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread 1a6 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread 1a8 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread 1ac Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread 1b0 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread 1b4 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread 200 Kernel stack: 13 vm_pageout_internal_start + 80 [0x27608c] Thread 227 Kernel stack: 13 call_continuation + 28 [0x2a179c] 13 2.1.0 + 24145 [0x14eae51] 13 msleep + 157 [0x49149d] 13 wakeup + 286 [0x490d7a] 13 lck_mtx_sleep_deadline + 104 [0x22173a] 13 thread_block + 33 [0x227654] 13 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2275c6] 13 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x227327] 13 machine_switch_context + 659 [0x2a9adb] Thread 231 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread 245 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread 24a Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x552ed0] Thread 258 Kernel stack: 13 thread_call_initialize + 687 [0x23014c] Model: MacBookPro6,2, BootROM MBP61.0057.B0C, 2 processors, Intel Core i5, 2.53 GHz, 4 GB, SMC 1.58f16 Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M, NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M, PCIe, 256 MB Graphics: Intel HD Graphics, Intel HD Graphics, Built-In, 288 MB Memory Module: global_name AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0x93), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 ( Bluetooth: Version 2.4.5f3, 2 service, 12 devices, 1 incoming serial ports Network Service: Ethernet, Ethernet, en0 Serial ATA Device: APPLE SSD TS128B, 113 GB Serial ATA Device: HL-DT-ST DVDRW GS23N USB Device: Hub, 0x0424 (SMSC), 0x2514, 0xfa100000 / 2 USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x0237, 0xfa120000 / 5 USB Device: Internal Memory Card Reader, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x8403, 0xfa130000 / 4 USB Device: BRCM2070 Hub, 0x0a5c (Broadcom Corp.), 0x4500, 0xfa110000 / 3 USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x8218, 0xfa113000 / 8 USB Device: Hub, 0x0424 (SMSC), 0x2514, 0xfd100000 / 2 USB Device: Built-in iSight, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x8507, 0xfd110000 / 4 USB Device: IR Receiver, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x8242, 0xfd120000 / 3