73EE15F4 call __allmul (73EAC0E0h) 73EE15F9 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp+8] 73EE15FC mov esi,0FF000000h 73EE1601 and ecx,esi 73EE1603 push edi 73EE1604 add eax,ecx 73EE1606 push 100h 73EE160B adc edx,ebx 73EE160D push edx 73EE160E push eax 73EE160F call __allmul (73EAC0E0h) 73EE1614 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp+0Ch] 73EE1617 mov edi,ecx 73EE1619 shr edi,8 73EE161C and edi,0FF00h 73EE1622 add eax,edi 73EE1624 mov edi,dword ptr [ebp+8] 73EE1627 adc edx,ebx 73EE1629 mov ebx,ecx 73EE162B shrd edi,ebx,8 73EE162F and edi,esi 73EE1631 xor esi,esi 73EE1633 add eax,edi 73EE1635 mov edi,dword ptr [ebp+8] 73EE1638 adc edx,esi 73EE163A mov esi,ecx 73EE163C shrd edi,esi,18h 73EE1640 mov esi,edi 73EE1642 and esi,0FF0000h 73EE1648 xor edi,edi 73EE164A add eax,esi 73EE164C adc edx,edi 73EE164E shr ecx,18h 73EE1651 xor esi,esi 73EE1653 add eax,ecx 73EE1655 pop edi 73EE1656 adc edx,esi 73EE1658 pop esi 73EE1659 pop ebx 73EE165A leave 73EE165B ret 73EE165C int 3 73EE165D int 3 73EE165E int 3 73EE165F int 3 73EE1660 int 3 __crt_debugger_hook: 73EE1661 and dword ptr [__debugger_hook_dummy (73F0D7A0h)],0 73EE1668 ret 73EE1669 int 3 73EE166A int 3 73EE166B int 3 73EE166C push esi 73EE166D inc ebx 73EE166E xor dword ptr [eax],esi 73EE1670 pop eax 73EE1671 inc ebx 73EE1672 xor byte ptr [eax],dh __except_handler2: 73EE1674 push ebp 73EE1675 mov ebp,esp 73EE1677 sub esp,8 73EE167A push ebx 73EE167B push esi 73EE167C push edi 73EE167D push ebp 73EE167E cld 73EE167F mov ebx,dword ptr [ebp+0Ch] 73EE1682 mov eax,dword ptr [ebp+8] 73EE1685 test dword ptr [eax+4],6 73EE168C jne __except_handler2+91h (73EE1705h) 73EE168E mov dword ptr [ebp-8],eax 73EE1691 mov eax,dword ptr [ebp+10h] 73EE1694 mov dword ptr [ebp-4],eax 73EE1697 lea eax,[ebp-8] 73EE169A mov dword ptr [ebx+14h],eax 73EE169D mov esi,dword ptr [ebx+0Ch] 73EE16A0 mov edi,dword ptr [ebx+8] 73EE16A3 cmp esi,0FFFFFFFFh 73EE16A6 je __except_handler2+8Ah (73EE16FEh) 73EE16A8 lea ecx,[esi+esi*2] 73EE16AB cmp dword ptr [edi+ecx*4+4],0 73EE16B0 je __except_handler2+78h (73EE16ECh) 73EE16B2 push esi 73EE16B3 push ebp 73EE16B4 mov ebp,dword ptr [ebx+10h] 73EE16B7 call dword ptr [edi+ecx*4+4] 73EE16BB pop ebp 73EE16BC pop esi 73EE16BD mov ebx,dword ptr [ebp+0Ch] 73EE16C0 or eax,eax 73EE16C2 je __except_handler2+78h (73EE16ECh) 73EE16C4 js __except_handler2+83h (73EE16F7h) 73EE16C6 mov edi,dword ptr [ebx+8] 73EE16C9 push ebx 73EE16CA call __global_unwind2 (73EE09A8h) 73EE16CF add esp,4 73EE16D2 mov ebp,dword ptr [ebx+10h] 73EE16D5 push esi 73EE16D6 push ebx 73EE16D7 call __local_unwind2 (73EE0A0Dh) 73EE16DC add esp,8 73EE16DF lea ecx,[esi+esi*2] 73EE16E2 mov eax,dword ptr [edi+ecx*4] 73EE16E5 mov dword ptr [ebx+0Ch],eax 73EE16E8 call dword ptr [edi+ecx*4+8] 73EE16EC mov edi,dword ptr [ebx+8] 73EE16EF lea ecx,[esi+esi*2] 73EE16F2 mov esi,dword ptr [edi+ecx*4] 73EE16F5 jmp __except_handler2+2Fh (73EE16A3h) 73EE16F7 mov eax,0 73EE16FC jmp __except_handler2+0A6h (73EE171Ah) 73EE16FE mov eax,1 73EE1703 jmp __except_handler2+0A6h (73EE171Ah) 73EE1705 push ebp 73EE1706 mov ebp,dword ptr [ebx+10h] 73EE1709 push 0FFFFFFFFh 73EE170B push ebx 73EE170C call __local_unwind2 (73EE0A0Dh) 73EE1711 add esp,8 73EE1714 pop ebp 73EE1715 mov eax,1 73EE171A pop ebp 73EE171B pop edi 73EE171C pop esi 73EE171D pop ebx 73EE171E mov esp,ebp 73EE1720 pop ebp 73EE1721 ret 73EE1722 int 3 73EE1723 int 3 73EE1724 push esi 73EE1725 inc ebx 73EE1726 xor dh,byte ptr [eax] 73EE1728 pop eax 73EE1729 inc ebx