TestData - coooder - basic4gl
TestData - coooder - basic4gl.odt (application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text), 17.65 KB, created by Hans-Werner on 2022-06-06 13:51:41 UTC
Creator: Hans-Werner
Created: 2022-06-06 13:51:41 UTC
Size: 17.65 KB

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Attachments on bug 138380: 167433 | 167434 | 167435 | 167436 | 167495 | 168747 | 168748 | 168749 | 168750 | 168751 | 168754 | 180588 | 180589 | 180590 | 180591 | 180592 | 180593 | 180594 | 180595 | 180596 | 180597 | 180598 | 180599 | 180600 | 180601 | 180602 | 180810