************* Symbol Path validation summary ************** Response Time (ms) Location Deferred CACHE*C:\symbols Deferred SRV*http://dev-builds.libreoffice.org/daily/master/Win-x86@39/symbols Deferred SRV*http://dev-downloads.libreoffice.org/symstore/symbols Deferred SRV*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols Deferred SRV*http://dev-builds.libreoffice.org/daily/master/Win-x86@62-merge-TDF/symbols Deferred SRV*http://dev-builds.libreoffice.org/win32-debug/symbols Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.3.9600.16384 X86 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. *** wait with pending attach ************* Symbol Path validation summary ************** Response Time (ms) Location Deferred CACHE*C:\symbols Deferred SRV*http://dev-builds.libreoffice.org/daily/master/Win-x86@39/symbols Deferred SRV*http://dev-downloads.libreoffice.org/symstore/symbols Deferred SRV*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols Deferred SRV*http://dev-builds.libreoffice.org/daily/master/Win-x86@62-merge-TDF/symbols Deferred SRV*http://dev-builds.libreoffice.org/win32-debug/symbols Symbol search path is: CACHE*C:\symbols;SRV*http://dev-builds.libreoffice.org/daily/master/Win-x86@39/symbols;SRV*http://dev-downloads.libreoffice.org/symstore/symbols;SRV*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols;SRV*http://dev-builds.libreoffice.org/daily/master/Win-x86@62-merge-TDF/symbols;SRV*http://dev-builds.libreoffice.org/win32-debug/symbols Executable search path is: ModLoad: 013e0000 014a6000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\soffice.bin ModLoad: 77950000 77ad0000 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll ModLoad: 76060000 76170000 C:\Windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll ModLoad: 75a50000 75a97000 C:\Windows\syswow64\KERNELBASE.dll ModLoad: 636c0000 66bbf000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\mergedlo.dll ModLoad: 704b0000 704b8000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\clewlo.dll ModLoad: 702e0000 702f5000 C:\Windows\system32\VCRUNTIME140.dll ModLoad: 675d0000 675d4000 C:\Windows\system32\api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll ModLoad: 617c0000 618a1000 C:\Windows\system32\ucrtbase.DLL ModLoad: 62010000 62013000 C:\Windows\system32\api-ms-win-core-timezone-l1-1-0.dll ModLoad: 61ff0000 61ff3000 C:\Windows\system32\api-ms-win-core-file-l2-1-0.dll ModLoad: 61f10000 61f13000 C:\Windows\system32\api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-0.dll ModLoad: 61ee0000 61ee3000 C:\Windows\system32\api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.dll ModLoad: 617b0000 617b3000 C:\Windows\system32\api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-1.dll ModLoad: 617a0000 617a3000 C:\Windows\system32\api-ms-win-core-file-l1-2-0.dll ModLoad: 61790000 61794000 C:\Windows\system32\api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll ModLoad: 61780000 61783000 C:\Windows\system32\api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll ModLoad: 61770000 61774000 C:\Windows\system32\api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll ModLoad: 61760000 61764000 C:\Windows\system32\api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0.dll ModLoad: 6ac00000 6add7000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\clucene.dll ModLoad: 6b140000 6b1b1000 C:\Windows\system32\MSVCP140.dll ModLoad: 61750000 61753000 C:\Windows\system32\api-ms-win-crt-locale-l1-1-0.dll ModLoad: 61740000 61745000 C:\Windows\system32\api-ms-win-crt-math-l1-1-0.dll ModLoad: 61730000 61735000 C:\Windows\system32\api-ms-win-crt-multibyte-l1-1-0.dll ModLoad: 61720000 61723000 C:\Windows\system32\api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0.dll ModLoad: 61710000 61713000 C:\Windows\system32\api-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0.dll ModLoad: 61700000 61703000 C:\Windows\system32\api-ms-win-crt-environment-l1-1-0.dll ModLoad: 616f0000 616f3000 C:\Windows\system32\api-ms-win-crt-utility-l1-1-0.dll ModLoad: 6b6b0000 6b705000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\cppu3.dll ModLoad: 6b640000 6b6ab000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\sal3.dll ModLoad: 75ab0000 75b51000 C:\Windows\syswow64\ADVAPI32.dll ModLoad: 75b60000 75c0c000 C:\Windows\syswow64\msvcrt.dll ModLoad: 77150000 77169000 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sechost.dll ModLoad: 772b0000 773a0000 C:\Windows\syswow64\RPCRT4.dll ModLoad: 75200000 75260000 C:\Windows\syswow64\SspiCli.dll ModLoad: 751f0000 751fc000 C:\Windows\syswow64\CRYPTBASE.dll ModLoad: 716c0000 717ab000 C:\Windows\system32\dbghelp.dll ModLoad: 71af0000 71b02000 C:\Windows\system32\MPR.dll ModLoad: 75d00000 75e5d000 C:\Windows\syswow64\ole32.dll ModLoad: 75c70000 75d00000 C:\Windows\syswow64\GDI32.dll ModLoad: 75e60000 75f60000 C:\Windows\syswow64\USER32.dll ModLoad: 77560000 7756a000 C:\Windows\syswow64\LPK.dll ModLoad: 75850000 758ed000 C:\Windows\syswow64\USP10.dll ModLoad: 764f0000 7713c000 C:\Windows\syswow64\SHELL32.dll ModLoad: 76310000 76367000 C:\Windows\syswow64\SHLWAPI.dll ModLoad: 75930000 75965000 C:\Windows\syswow64\WS2_32.dll ModLoad: 75a40000 75a46000 C:\Windows\syswow64\NSI.dll ModLoad: 704a0000 704af000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\salhelper3MSC.dll ModLoad: 6a5d0000 6a6c2000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\cppuhelper3MSC.dll ModLoad: 702b0000 702db000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\reglo.dll ModLoad: 6ff90000 6ffb1000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\storelo.dll ModLoad: 6a520000 6a5c1000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\unoidllo.dll ModLoad: 6c630000 6c645000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\xmlreaderlo.dll ModLoad: 6a410000 6a512000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\epoxy.dll ModLoad: 6a360000 6a404000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\gpgmepp.dll ModLoad: 6b750000 6b790000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\i18nlangtag.dll ModLoad: 69d50000 69eed000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\icuuc63.dll ModLoad: 68380000 69d42000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\icudt63.dll ModLoad: 68280000 6837c000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\libxml2.dll ModLoad: 704e0000 704e7000 C:\Windows\system32\WSOCK32.dll ModLoad: 6c610000 6c621000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\jvmaccesslo.dll ModLoad: 6b600000 6b637000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\jvmfwklo.dll ModLoad: 68120000 68276000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\orcus.dll ModLoad: 6b540000 6b5a2000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\orcus-parser.dll ModLoad: 63110000 636b2000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\pdfiumlo.dll ModLoad: 6b1d0000 6b23c000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\LCMS2.DLL ModLoad: 6a310000 6a35d000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\libcurl.dll ModLoad: 76170000 76292000 C:\Windows\syswow64\CRYPT32.dll ModLoad: 77200000 7720c000 C:\Windows\syswow64\MSASN1.dll ModLoad: 67d50000 67da8000 C:\Windows\system32\WINHTTP.dll ModLoad: 67d00000 67d4f000 C:\Windows\system32\webio.dll ModLoad: 75510000 75513000 C:\Windows\syswow64\Normaliz.dll ModLoad: 67eb0000 6811e000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\icuin63.dll ModLoad: 6adf0000 6ae1f000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\libxslt.dll ModLoad: 67de0000 67eaf000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\nss3.dll ModLoad: 6abd0000 6abf2000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\nssutil3.dll ModLoad: 702a0000 702a7000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\plc4.dll ModLoad: 6a2e0000 6a30c000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\nspr4.dll ModLoad: 6d040000 6d072000 C:\Windows\system32\WINMM.dll ModLoad: 6ff80000 6ff87000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\plds4.dll ModLoad: 75970000 75a01000 C:\Windows\syswow64\OLEAUT32.dll ModLoad: 773a0000 7753d000 C:\Windows\syswow64\SETUPAPI.dll ModLoad: 764c0000 764e7000 C:\Windows\syswow64\CFGMGR32.dll ModLoad: 77540000 77552000 C:\Windows\syswow64\DEVOBJ.dll ModLoad: 74fb0000 74fb9000 C:\Windows\system32\VERSION.dll ModLoad: 762a0000 76300000 C:\Windows\system32\IMM32.DLL ModLoad: 75540000 7560d000 C:\Windows\syswow64\MSCTF.dll ModLoad: 76300000 76305000 C:\Windows\syswow64\PSAPI.DLL ModLoad: 678c0000 679bd000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\vclplug_winlo.dll ModLoad: 67ac0000 67c51000 C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.7601.23894_none_5c0be957a009922e\gdiplus.dll ModLoad: 6ccc0000 6cd11000 C:\Windows\system32\WINSPOOL.DRV ModLoad: 6f960000 6f9e0000 C:\Windows\system32\uxtheme.dll ModLoad: 6b720000 6b73f000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\msci_uno.dll ModLoad: 71950000 719b1000 C:\Windows\system32\wer.dll ModLoad: 677d0000 678be000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\localedata_euro.dll ModLoad: 67db0000 67dd5000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\localedata_en.dll ModLoad: 758f0000 7591f000 C:\Windows\syswow64\WINTRUST.dll ModLoad: 75aa0000 75aab000 C:\Windows\syswow64\profapi.dll ModLoad: 67cd0000 67cf6000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\loglo.dll ModLoad: 67c70000 67ccd000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\expwraplo.dll ModLoad: 6f940000 6f953000 C:\Windows\system32\dwmapi.dll ModLoad: 67a50000 67a72000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\stocserviceslo.dll ModLoad: 67a10000 67a49000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\dnd.dll ModLoad: 72960000 72977000 C:\Windows\system32\CRYPTSP.dll ModLoad: 72920000 7295b000 C:\Windows\system32\rsaenh.dll ModLoad: 6d9d0000 6d9de000 C:\Windows\system32\RpcRtRemote.dll ModLoad: 6cda0000 6ce95000 C:\Windows\system32\PROPSYS.dll ModLoad: 67770000 677c4000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\updchklo.dll ModLoad: 75260000 7550b000 C:\Windows\syswow64\WININET.dll ModLoad: 75920000 75924000 C:\Windows\syswow64\api-ms-win-downlevel-user32-l1-1-0.dll ModLoad: 75520000 75524000 C:\Windows\syswow64\api-ms-win-downlevel-shlwapi-l1-1-0.dll ModLoad: 75f60000 75f64000 C:\Windows\syswow64\api-ms-win-downlevel-version-l1-1-0.dll ModLoad: 76050000 76053000 C:\Windows\syswow64\api-ms-win-downlevel-normaliz-l1-1-0.dll ModLoad: 75610000 75846000 C:\Windows\syswow64\iertutil.dll ModLoad: 77140000 77145000 C:\Windows\syswow64\api-ms-win-downlevel-advapi32-l1-1-0.dll ModLoad: 77210000 77227000 C:\Windows\syswow64\USERENV.dll ModLoad: 6cea0000 6d03e000 C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.7601.18837_none_41e855142bd5705d\comctl32.dll ModLoad: 77170000 771f3000 C:\Windows\syswow64\CLBCatQ.DLL ModLoad: 717b0000 717d1000 C:\Windows\system32\ntmarta.dll ModLoad: 75f70000 75fb5000 C:\Windows\syswow64\WLDAP32.dll ModLoad: 6af00000 6af13000 C:\Windows\system32\OpenCL.dll ModLoad: 53a20000 5603b000 C:\Windows\system32\amdocl.dll ModLoad: 67020000 670e8000 C:\Windows\system32\OPENGL32.dll ModLoad: 67740000 67762000 C:\Windows\system32\GLU32.dll ModLoad: 66f30000 67017000 C:\Windows\system32\DDRAW.dll ModLoad: 6ef20000 6ef26000 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C:\Windows\system32\credssp.dll ModLoad: 5f940000 5f9d5000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\oleautobridgelo.dll ModLoad: 61e90000 61edd000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\emserlo.dll ModLoad: 5f520000 5f5c6000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\ucpchelp1.dll ModLoad: 66c50000 66c61000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\storagefdlo.dll ModLoad: 515f0000 52470000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\swlo.dll ModLoad: 619e0000 61a4c000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\spelllo.dll ModLoad: 6c7a0000 6c7ac000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\pythonloaderlo.dll ModLoad: 61d90000 61dea000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\pyuno.pyd ModLoad: 5c5d0000 5c90c000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\python35.dll ModLoad: 6b1c0000 6b1c3000 C:\Windows\system32\api-ms-win-crt-process-l1-1-0.dll ModLoad: 6abc0000 6abc3000 C:\Windows\system32\api-ms-win-crt-conio-l1-1-0.dll ModLoad: 61f30000 61f53000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\invocationlo.dll ModLoad: 61330000 61365000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\reflectionlo.dll ModLoad: 5fd90000 5fdd1000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\introspectionlo.dll ModLoad: 630b0000 630c9000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\invocadaptlo.dll ModLoad: 67c60000 67c6f000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\python3.dll ModLoad: 676a0000 676b0000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\python-core-3.5.5\lib\_socket.pyd ModLoad: 66ce0000 66ce7000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\python-core-3.5.5\lib\select.pyd ModLoad: 621e0000 621fe000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\hyphenlo.dll ModLoad: 61ef0000 61f0d000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\lnthlo.dll ModLoad: 70630000 70640000 C:\Windows\system32\NLAapi.dll ModLoad: 70620000 70630000 C:\Windows\system32\napinsp.dll ModLoad: 705c0000 705d2000 C:\Windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll ModLoad: 6f820000 6f864000 C:\Windows\system32\DNSAPI.dll ModLoad: 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ModLoad: 5b990000 5b9c7000 C:\Windows\system32\windowscodecsext.dll ModLoad: 57700000 57857000 C:\Windows\System32\msxml6.dll ModLoad: 583e0000 58578000 C:\Windows\system32\NetworkExplorer.dll ModLoad: 5e420000 5e443000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\updatefeedlo.dll ModLoad: 62000000 6200f000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\sysshlo.dll ModLoad: 76370000 764bb000 C:\Windows\syswow64\urlmon.dll ModLoad: 5e380000 5e412000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\ucpdav1.dll ModLoad: 5e280000 5e2a8000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\neon.dll ModLoad: 58700000 5883e000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\LIBEAY32.dll ModLoad: 5c430000 5c479000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\SSLEAY32.dll ModLoad: 61f20000 61f23000 C:\Windows\system32\security.dll ModLoad: 61420000 61463000 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msv1_0.DLL ModLoad: 61400000 61411000 C:\Windows\system32\cryptdll.dll ModLoad: 5c400000 5c42b000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\passwordcontainerlo.dll ModLoad: 6a290000 6a2d7000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\binaryurplo.dll ModLoad: 0f8b0000 0f94a000 C:\Program Files (x86)\K-Lite Codec Pack\Icaros\32-bit\IcarosPropertyHandler.dll ModLoad: 6a230000 6a28e000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\embobj.dll ModLoad: 58180000 583dc000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\frmlo.dll ModLoad: 6a210000 6a22c000 S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\evtattlo.dll ModLoad: 59200000 59370000 C:\Windows\system32\explorerframe.dll ModLoad: 6a170000 6a204000 C:\Windows\system32\MsftEdit.dll ModLoad: 5f5d0000 5f5e6000 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\thumbcache.dll ModLoad: 77ae0000 77d18000 C:\Windows\system32\wpdshext.dll ModLoad: 50370000 503af000 C:\Windows\system32\audiodev.dll ModLoad: 2aeb0000 2b117000 C:\Windows\system32\WMVCore.DLL ModLoad: 503b0000 503ed000 C:\Windows\system32\WMASF.DLL ModLoad: 6a020000 6a167000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\VFS\ProgramFilesCommonX86\Microsoft Shared\Office16\msoshext.dll ModLoad: 69fc0000 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This exception may be expected and handled. *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\swlo.dll - eax=00000000 ebx=00000000 ecx=00b9dc4c edx=00000000 esi=00004b00 edi=1cea4c94 eip=51943501 esp=00b9dc3c ebp=00b9dcac iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na pe nc cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00010206 swlo!SwDoc::GetEmptyPageFormat+0xd1: 51943501 8b4010 mov eax,dword ptr [eax+10h] ds:002b:00000010=???????? 0:000> !analyze -v ******************************************************************************* * * * Exception Analysis * * * ******************************************************************************* *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\mergedlo.dll - *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\vclplug_winlo.dll - *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\soffice.bin - *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\sal3.dll - *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\salhelper3MSC.dll - *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\sysdtrans.dll - *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\updchklo.dll - *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for S:\OFFICE\LO-OO-parallel\master\program\fps.dll - GetUrlPageData2 (WinHttp) failed: 12029. FAULTING_IP: swlo!SwDoc::GetEmptyPageFormat+d1 51943501 8b4010 mov eax,dword ptr [eax+10h] EXCEPTION_RECORD: ffffffff -- (.exr 0xffffffffffffffff) ExceptionAddress: 51943501 (swlo!SwDoc::GetEmptyPageFormat+0x000000d1) ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation) ExceptionFlags: 00000000 NumberParameters: 2 Parameter[0]: 00000000 Parameter[1]: 00000010 Attempt to read from address 00000010 CONTEXT: 00000000 -- (.cxr 0x0;r) eax=00000000 ebx=00000000 ecx=00b9dc4c edx=00000000 esi=00004b00 edi=1cea4c94 eip=51943501 esp=00b9dc3c ebp=00b9dcac iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na pe nc cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00010206 swlo!SwDoc::GetEmptyPageFormat+0xd1: 51943501 8b4010 mov eax,dword ptr [eax+10h] ds:002b:00000010=???????? FAULTING_THREAD: 00001874 PROCESS_NAME: soffice.bin ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 - The instruction at 0x%08lx referenced memory at 0x%08lx. The memory could not be %s. EXCEPTION_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 - The instruction at 0x%08lx referenced memory at 0x%08lx. The memory could not be %s. EXCEPTION_PARAMETER1: 00000000 EXCEPTION_PARAMETER2: 00000010 READ_ADDRESS: 00000010 FOLLOWUP_IP: swlo!SwDoc::GetEmptyPageFormat+d1 51943501 8b4010 mov eax,dword ptr [eax+10h] NTGLOBALFLAG: 400 APPLICATION_VERIFIER_FLAGS: 0 APP: soffice.bin ANALYSIS_VERSION: 6.3.9600.16384 (debuggers(dbg).130821-1623) x86fre BUGCHECK_STR: APPLICATION_FAULT_NULL_CLASS_PTR_READ_BEFORE_WRITE PRIMARY_PROBLEM_CLASS: NULL_CLASS_PTR_READ_BEFORE_WRITE DEFAULT_BUCKET_ID: NULL_CLASS_PTR_READ_BEFORE_WRITE LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER: from 51846167 to 51943501 STACK_TEXT: WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong. 00b9dcac 51846167 0ad1ca28 00000000 0000c000 swlo!SwDoc::GetEmptyPageFormat+0xd1 00b9dcc8 5193ad70 0ad1ca28 00000000 00b9dd1c swlo!SwContentNode::getLayoutFrame+0x17 00b9dd50 51665fe0 00b9df20 00b9df08 00b9ddd8 swlo!SwFormatSurround::SetSurround+0x2920 00b9dd64 51938845 1cf665f8 00b9ddd8 1cf665f8 swlo!SwClient::SwClientNotify+0x30 00b9dd80 516652dd 1cf665f8 00b9ddd8 c46db7c2 swlo!SwFormatSurround::SetSurround+0x3f5 00b9ddc0 51665ac9 00b9ddd8 c46db7f6 00b9df20 swlo!SwModify::CallSwClientNotify+0xad 00b9ddf4 51665ba3 00b9df20 00b9df08 1cf665f8 swlo!SwModify::ModifyBroadcast+0x59 00b9de10 5166994c 00b9df20 00b9df08 c46db46e swlo!SwModify::NotifyClients+0x93 00b9de6c 5191fed5 00b9df20 00b9df08 c46db4ae swlo!SwFormat::Modify+0x19c 00b9deac 5166a421 00b9df20 00000000 c46db562 swlo!SwFrameFormat::Modify+0x235 00b9df60 5170f15b 01b9dfa0 c46db5f6 053b9f80 swlo!SwFormat::SetFormatAttr+0x291 00b9dff4 517a2a83 00b9e0b8 00b9e0dc c46d8a92 swlo!SwTextNode::CutText+0x1cb 00b9e090 517a27ae 00b9e0ac c46d8b1a 223bc370 swlo!SwIndex::operator<=+0x4593 00b9e118 517ac176 00b9e1f0 00000000 c46d8bba swlo!SwIndex::operator<=+0x42be 00b9e1b8 517a2706 053b9f80 00b9e1f0 517a2750 swlo!SwNode::SetIgnoreDontExpand+0x5596 00b9e1d4 5176505f 00b9e1f0 c46d8882 16dd42a8 swlo!SwIndex::operator<=+0x4216 00b9e280 517667aa 00000753 c46d88b6 223bc340 swlo!SwRangeRedline::DelCopyOfSection+0x1bf 00b9e2b4 517b66e1 00000002 00000753 c46d88f6 swlo!SwRangeRedline::Hide+0xda 00b9e2f4 51d188de 00000010 c46d8ed2 1b095248 swlo!SwDoc::SetInXMLImport+0x211 00b9e4d0 51d17463 00b9e544 00b9e4f0 00b9e4f4 swlo!StgWriter::~StgWriter+0x197e 00b9e504 51d06de7 00b9e544 1db652d0 c46d8f36 swlo!StgWriter::~StgWriter+0x503 00b9e534 51d172fe 00b9e564 1b095248 1b0954b8 swlo!StgWriter::Write+0x127 00b9e57c 51c693ac 00b9e8c4 1b095248 1db652d0 swlo!StgWriter::~StgWriter+0x39e 00b9e8b8 51d67479 00b9e98c 00b9e970 00000000 swlo!SwWriter::Write+0x43c 00b9e984 64337a9b 00000000 cb932219 1db652d0 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mergedlo!SfxDispatcher::Call_Impl+0x245 00b9f454 641cc806 0b1503d8 667addd8 00b9f55c mergedlo!SfxDispatcher::Execute_+0x69 00b9f4b0 642213f1 00b9f55c 667addd8 0b1503d8 mergedlo!SfxBindings::Execute_Impl+0x2d6 00b9f5dc 64221761 00b9f62c 00b9f688 00b9f610 mergedlo!makeSvxCharViewControl+0x4c71 00b9f608 63e51b84 00000000 00b9f62c 00b9f688 mergedlo!makeSvxCharViewControl+0x4fe1 00b9f698 63e5068e 00000001 00b9f6dc 6502399b mergedlo!com_sun_star_comp_framework_LangSelectionStatusbarController_get_implementation+0x8384 00b9f6a4 6502399b 0ab968a8 1cd74280 cb933d75 mergedlo!com_sun_star_comp_framework_LangSelectionStatusbarController_get_implementation+0x6e8e 00b9f6dc 65091234 1cd74280 00000000 cb933cd5 mergedlo!Menu::Select+0xab 00b9f77c 65429675 04c8a738 00000013 1b38d250 mergedlo!FloatingWindow::ImplSetMouseDown+0xb24 00b9f790 67915aed 00000013 1b38d250 cb9276cf mergedlo!SalFrame::CallCallback+0x15 00b9f88c 6791635d 00140a02 00000482 00000000 vclplug_winlo!create_SalInstance+0x3c31d 00b9f8d8 75e762fa 00140a02 00000482 00000000 vclplug_winlo!create_SalInstance+0x3cb8d 00b9f904 75e76d3a 67916300 00140a02 00000482 USER32!InternalCallWinProc+0x23 00b9f97c 75e777c4 00000000 67916300 00140a02 USER32!UserCallWinProcCheckWow+0x109 00b9f9dc 75e7788a 67916300 00000000 00b9fa2c USER32!DispatchMessageWorker+0x3b5 00b9f9ec 678d6a71 00b9fa04 00ce61b8 00000001 USER32!DispatchMessageW+0xf 00b9fa2c 678d6700 00000001 00000000 cb92741f vclplug_winlo!Point::toPair+0xaac1 00b9fa5c 65355258 00000001 00000000 cb93313d vclplug_winlo!Point::toPair+0xa750 00b9fa94 64426d1e cb933051 66886b10 66855d30 mergedlo!Application::Execute+0x158 00b9fbf8 65360633 cb933789 00c503a0 66855d30 mergedlo!sfx2::SvBaseLink::setStreamToLoadFrom+0x58fe 00b9fc20 64445124 cb9336d5 618972ec 65d1b60c mergedlo!ImplSVMain+0x63 00b9fd7c 013e1049 618972ec 00b9fdd0 013e1241 mergedlo!soffice_main+0x1b4 00b9fd88 013e1241 00000002 00c503a0 00c56220 soffice!main+0x19 00b9fdd0 7607343d 7efde000 00b9fe1c 77989832 soffice!main+0x211 00b9fddc 77989832 7efde000 75060012 00000000 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0xe 00b9fe1c 77989805 013e1326 7efde000 00000000 ntdll!__RtlUserThreadStart+0x70 00b9fe34 00000000 013e1326 7efde000 00000000 ntdll!_RtlUserThreadStart+0x1b STACK_COMMAND: dt ntdll!LdrpLastDllInitializer BaseDllName ; dt ntdll!LdrpFailureData ; .cxr 0x0 ; kb SYMBOL_STACK_INDEX: 0 SYMBOL_NAME: swlo!SwDoc::GetEmptyPageFormat+d1 FOLLOWUP_NAME: MachineOwner MODULE_NAME: swlo IMAGE_NAME: swlo.dll DEBUG_FLR_IMAGE_TIMESTAMP: 5c2d663e FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: NULL_CLASS_PTR_READ_BEFORE_WRITE_c0000005_swlo.dll!SwDoc::GetEmptyPageFormat BUCKET_ID: APPLICATION_FAULT_NULL_CLASS_PTR_READ_BEFORE_WRITE_swlo!SwDoc::GetEmptyPageFormat+d1 ANALYSIS_SOURCE: UM FAILURE_ID_HASH_STRING: um:null_class_ptr_read_before_write_c0000005_swlo.dll!swdoc::getemptypageformat FAILURE_ID_HASH: {060022e9-53f0-9049-1906-ab8b47d8c907} Followup: MachineOwner ---------