Attachment #193339
Shows desred Audio Object action, which works. ODP file is saved and Impress is ended. image/png 2024-03-27 12:30:28 UTC 100.56 KB no flags Details
Attachment #193341
After ODP is reopened with Impress shows that mouse interaction has been forgotten image/png 2024-03-27 12:31:50 UTC 95.43 KB no flags Details
Attachment #193349
Shows desred Audio Object action, which works. PPTX file is saved and Impress is ended. image/png 2024-03-27 14:22:30 UTC 123.78 KB no flags Details
Attachment #193350
After PPTX is reopened the "mute" option is forgotten and the mouse interaction has been incorrectly remembered as "open document". image/png 2024-03-27 14:25:24 UTC 123.79 KB no flags Details