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Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote on 2013-04-18 02:23:

The more I think about it, the more it seems to be to be part of the
"redirecting" notification security system that is a part of FF.  I
remember a while back having an option to have a white list for sites
that I allow to redirect or even do a auto-refresh to their content.  I
now get the "allow" with both CNN and my weather site of choice.  Both
have some auto-refreshing content, and I get that "allow" button there
as well.

if other sites do have a similar problem, at least it's not some bug we introduced. ;-)

But seriously, the download technically works via a redirection with the new donate page, and IMHO there's no other choice than to make it that way. Maybe some skilled HTML coders know more, but my knowledge doesn't yield a better solution.

So, I think we have to live with it. Those being affected can always click the "Your download doesn't work" link, hopefully that's enough. :-)

Thanks for sharing!

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