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On 12.03.2021 18:54, Tuomas Hietala wrote:
Hello all,

In LibreOffice, the programming language BASIC is mostly written as
"Basic". This is a source of some confusion for translators (and I
imagine many English-speaking users, too) as it's not always clear
whether "Basic" should be interpreted as "basic" (a normal English
word) or "BASIC" (the programming language).

Is there any particular reason for the current convention? Microsoft
seems to be doing the same, but I don't know if that's a good enough
reason for perpetuating the confusion.


In any event the platform itself can be set up to avoid erroneous
translations of proper nouns, etc.

I am not an admin for it, and is on 4.4.2 when doing it
inside strings got introduced in version 4.5

- kingu

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