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Present:  Sahil, Eyal, Cor, Heiko
Comments: Seth, Stephane, Stuart, Jim


 * Rename "Navigation" toolbar to clarify its role, avoid confusion,
   and relate to "Recency"
   + "Position History" (Seth, Stuart, Jim, Eyal)
   + also in the Navigator dropdown (Stephane, Jim, Stuart)
   => no concerns, do it

 * Implement "recency" navigation for Calc module and make available
   from TB or Sidebar Navigator
   + limit to named ranges, objects, etc. but not every cell (Heiko)
   + request does not seem to have a significant/compelling use case (Cor)
   + Can identify a reasonable use case, not sure about how frequently it's
     encountered. Would like to have heard more from Petros (Eyal)
   + no harm in having such a feature though
   => keep it with low priority

 * Column resize handle touch-target too small
   + it is about 3-4 px and should be larger (Miguel, Michael, Eyal)
   + perhaps make it zoom dependent (Heiko)
   + wonder if the hit-area is dpi-dependent (Heiko)
   + might be problematic for hidden or small columns (Heiko)
     + we should test it (Cor)
   => give it a try

 * Offer to download & install missing fonts from online sources
   + TDF cannot host non-free fonts, cloud-sharing might work (Stuart)
   + unclear what 'relevant online sources' means (Cor)
   + ideally to be done per extension, either storing content on the
     TDF site or as forward request (Heiko)
   + font management is rather up to the OS/DE; we may support this (Heiko)
   + extension is not least not the solution therefore since we
     would download the ttf/otf and execute the system's installer (Eyal)
   + repository should allow downloading of plain font to make
     easy installation possible (Eyal)
   + topic has been discussed extensively before, eg in tdf#78186, 91886,
     113496, or 146291 (Heiko)
+ see also
   => feature is definitely desirable and ideally become combined
     with a previously filed ticket

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