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Hi Astron,

2012/2/19 Stefan Knorr (Astron) <>

Hi Mirek, Bhaavan,

first of all: great to have you here, doing all those Whiteboards and
I really have high hopes.
With regard to the completeness of the Whiteboards, I will only speak
about Overflow Menu for now, as that's the one I have been most in
contact with. I think there's lots of things that still needs to be
Accessibility is one of them (as in: are there fallback mechanisms for
accessing the show/hide functionality that would usually d/d

There's always the trusty old "Customize..." dialog. I don't think there's
anything about the overflow menu that would require special  accessibility

Also, can you make some more mockups, please (i. e.
opening, dragging, context menu etc.)? Preferably, could you try with
wireframes (the jist: instead of drawing attention to graphics, they
help visualise the concept).
I personally use Pencil (Firefox addon, but hasn't been updated for
some time, so some things quite broken, including export), but is a pretty good online alternative (only I
am an Arial hater and they don't allow me to change font, so I don't
use it). If you like Inkscape better, then just use that.

:) Okay. Will get on this when I have more time (that might take a while).

Next thing is that there's still things that can only be found on the
discussion page, would be great to move those over.

I think you took care of that. Or is there still something missing?

On 19 February 2012 14:49, Bhaavan Merchant <>
However, I am still not convinced that within the overflow menu, it is
correct to have 3 buttons to choose line spacing. This point IMO should
reconsidered before being implemented.

This is a completely different thing. So we all don't forget, could
you please open a bug about that, describing what you'd expect?

Hope this helps,

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