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On Sun, 2011-10-16 at 11:01 +0200, RGB ES wrote: 

2011/10/16 satchitb <>

For instance, when I said that we should scrap Paragraph, I didn't mean
the functions of Paragraph (which are most essential) should go; rather, I
meant that it doesn't require a menu entry, and its functions can be
performed contextually when selecting a body of text.

But that's depends a lot on how users work. I know people that do not use
menus at all (me, for example, XD) but also know people that exclusively use
menus, others that exclusively use right click... To the question "what is
really useful for the user" you will find almost as many answers as people
answering the question...

Some people will use a combination of all methods: menus, right click,
task bars, and keyboard shortcuts. All three methods must available for
users or you risk irritating part of the user base. I know this adds
complexity and certain lack of elegance to the user interface. Probably
the best solution is allow all three methods and when practical allow
each user to customize each - I know really inelegant. For example I
love tweaking the task bars and occasionally will tweak the keyboard
short cuts. 

That's not to say "let everything as it is", but to underline the fact that
this is a sensible issue that needs lot of thinking and talking. A change
for the better will be greatly welcomed, but we first need to agree what
"better" means.

Jay Lozier

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